Our macaw seems sick, help

That is great news, sounds like you've found a great vet too. Really glad to hear Layla has found her appetite and thanks for the update! :04:
I'm also glad to hear of the new vet, sounds like they know exactly what they are doing!! Horray Layla!
Thanks guys!! She is eating pellets finally! ;) The vet has been updating me via email, he is amazing. He said that her blood chemistry came back normal, and that her CBC showed elevated white blood cells with a heterophilia consistent with bacterial gastroenteritis. He wants to wait for the culture before he prescribing anything else, since the Cipro seemed to help with her throat. We thought we were clean before but now we are really gonna be even more crazy about it. We've got our spring cleaning done early this year. We don't know if it's from that yet but if there's even a small chance, we won't let it happen again. We bought her an air purifier, which has seemed to help already. Also, we use F10 veterinarian disinfectant and it's pretty amazing. Thanks again guys, I'll keep you updated.
We are a little bit happier today!


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I love a positive outcome. So glad you guys trusted your instincts and sought out more help for her.
I just read this post. Wow! I’m very glad she’s doing ok now.

It brings back memories of almost exactly a year ago when we almost lost our dear GW due to an infection. 2 rounds of antibiotics trying get that darn WBC to a normal level.
We noticed something wasn’t right with her when she was unable to crack open a walnut shell (one of her favourite foods).
She is beautiful :smile015:
Just an update, the culture came back with no growth. Which is a good thing there's no more bacteria, however she also does the have any good bacteria either. I'm so terrified. We've had her on probiotics since December. The doctor just told us to keep him updated on how she does, to stop the antibiotic and to continue the Apple cider vinegar. She's eating and seems much better but have any of you ever experienced this? And if so, how long did it take for the good bacteria to come back? We have her on a normal probiotic but ordered a Macaw specific brand and it's supposed to be here Thursday.
It will take a while after getting her off the Cipro. The Cipro will kill everything, so even though you've been giving her the probiotics since December it's kind of like robbing Peter to pay Paul, lol. Now that she's off the Cipro and you're still giving her the probiotics, her healthy bacteria should start to rise pretty quickly. What probiotics do you give her? Should be a Lactobacillus combined with any of a number of other ones.

I don't blame you at all for worrying but this is very normal.

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May I ask what's Emerald? I couldn't find it with Google and it sounded good for emergency feeding.
May I ask what's Emerald? I couldn't find it with Google and it sounded good for emergency feeding.
If I remember correctly from school vet tech work, Emerald is the brand name of a company that makes "Critical Care Food Supplementation" and they divide their systems into 3 different categories: Herbivore, Carnivore, and Omnivore. So each supplementation is designed specifically for the needs of the animal based on their natural diets in the wild, birds typically being given the omnivore depending on the species and the individual issues. It's a powder that is mixed with water and is used quite often for tube feeding while animals are in the hospital, which is why you don't often see it given out for home use, usually one of the other food supplements are used for home care. But I remember one particular herp vet providing this a lot to reptile owners for home syringe feedings, and it worked very well to get weight back on and to get their appetites going. In my notes I wrote "Think of Boost or Ensure on steroids", lol..

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Ellen is exactly right. It's good to have in case of an emergency for sure. Layla seems to be doing well. She hates Apple cider vinegar. I've done all kinds of research on what the recommended dosage is for parrots and can't seem to find a consistent answer. The doctor told us 1tbsp per 4oz of water and a few other websites say 1/2-1tsp. Do you guys use ACV and if so, what amount do you usually give your baby? With her not have any bacteria at all, I don't want to give her too much and counteract the probiotics. But we need to give her enough to make sure the yeast she has doesn't get worse. Doctor said the yeast is not budding but wanted us to use ACV just to help. As always thanks so much.
Just an update on Layla she's eating well and seems better. However she started having light green diarrhea with a strong, strange odor. This is what started all the madness in December, same kind of diarrhea we took her to the old vet for, when he told us she was fine, just had low good bacteria and put her on probiotics. The new Avian vet has been emailing us daily on Layla's progress and told us to bring in a fecal sample for testing and he wants to start her on doxycycline and then see her tomorrow. He told us to stop ACV and probiotics, which I'm super concerned about because he told us her last culture showed no bacteria good or bad. I'm really worried to start more antibiotics when she just stopped the Cipro last week and she has no good bacteria. Has anyone experienced this or has given their bird doxycycline?
Yes, I've given doxycycline to my Quaker when he had an upper respiratory infection and was Baytril, recovered from the URI, but then got a gastrointestinal bug about a week after stopping the Baytril. Doxycycline is a strong antibiotic but works very well. It can cause an upset stomach though, some animals/birds/people handle it fine and others get sick from it. But it does usually work quickly and thoroughly.

What is prescribing the Doxy for? The reason I ask is that if he's prescribing it for the original issue that Layla was put on Cipro for then in my opinion it's a great choice and a great idea. I remember that I thought Cipro wasn't the best drug for her at that time, but I'm not a vet, lol, so I usually shut up and stop talking when I'm at my avian vet and just do what he says! But yeah, I think two rounds of Cipro is more than enough and something different needs to be tried, and Doxycycline is a good, generally effective choice.

If he's telling you to stop the probiotics because of her diarrhea I understand where he's coming from, but didn't she just start taking the Emerald supplementation food? I'm just thinking that the diarrhea or change in her droppings could easily be caused by the Emerald or any of the medications, etc. she's been given. They have very sensitive digestive tracts and it only takes a little change to get them out of whack. Generally speaking probiotics usually help diarrhea or gastrointestinal issues.

"Dance like nobody's watching..."
I'm so sorry to hear she is still having problems, try not to worry until you know what you are dealing with, it sounds like this new vet really knows his stuff. x
He wanted to put her on the Doxy I think as a 'just in case' until we get the results back from her most recent fecal samples. I honestly do not want to put her on anything else until we know for sure. I asked him to run every test possible he could with the fecal sample. At this point I do not care what we have to spend. I guess I'll know more tonight... he mentioned he wanted to meet with us to "discuss a new approach." I just hope we can get her healthy.

The Emeraid was prescribed by the previous doctor only because she wasn't eating. Now that she is eating and has her appetite back, we have not been giving it to her. I think we only had to give it to her for about a day and a half. I definitely considered that the diarrhea could have been caused by the Cipro, Emeraid and the ACV, but she had this issue back in December before all of this started, before probiotics. My theory (I could definitely be wrong - but hope it's right b/c easily treatable from what I read) is that she had a yeast infection, which lowered her immune system causing her to get the secondary gastroenteritis infection. Now that the secondary infection cleared up, the yeast is back with a vengeance. Maybe... She's only 4 years old.. I feel like I've failed her by letting her get this sick and I hope she can recover.

On the plus side, she is eating well, seems super happy, annoyed at times, but she sings and dances. I will definitely keep you guys posted and I most definitely appreciate all of your help, concerns and suggestions. It's been so comforting to have others to help us through.

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