Our GW is not doing well :(

We went to the vet yesterday and had some bloodwork done to see how her WCBC was. It has come down quite a bit but it needs to come down more.
The plan is to continue with the meds for another one or two weeks, then we’ll have another bloodwork done. The bacterial infection was that severe!

Yep, we came that close to losing her! Scary thought!

Looking at her now, she looks fully recovered and is very alert...so we’ll err on the side of caution and continue with the meds.
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The plan is to continue with the meds for another one or two weeks, then we’ll have another bloodwork done. The bacterial infection was that severe!

Yep, we came that close to losing her! Scary thought!


If you'd have waited a few more days?! This might have been posted in the "bereavement" section. YOU DID GOOD TO GET HER TO THE VET AS QUICKLY AS YOU DID!

Yikes is right!
As scary as that was, and as bad as the infection is, this really is a feel good story. How great is it that for as bad as she was, we are hearing GREAT news. :)

Absolutely. They do hide it too well, unfortunately.

She had only been showing some signs on that one day before we got her to the vet. The scary thing is that we could have easily shrugged it off and taken these signs to be like...AH WELL, SHE’S JUST TIRED TODAY...we’ll see how she does the next morning. There may not even be a next morning.

The real lesson I’ve learned here is that the signs of illness may not manifest themselves in an obvious way. They may be quite subtle, in fact.

The following observations are strictly from my own experience and I certainly DO NOT claim to be an authority on this.
Keep in mind that for different diseases, there may be different signs to watch out for.
1) Watch for a drop in its general energy level
2) Watch for clear alert eyes. If one eye (doesn’t have to be both) is shutting more often, blinking or even being kept half closed for a few minutes or more, then that’s a sign.
3) Watch for a loss of appetite. i.e. it doesn’t quickly eat up some of its favourite foods.
4) Watch for apparent weakness (i.e. having difficulty cracking open a nutshell when it usually takes a nanosecond) or lethargy

This last one was what made it VERY obvious that she was not doing well.

The above signs have manifested themselves progressively within a period of about 24 hours. #3 and #4, within the last 5 or 6 hours.
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I have been away from the forum for a few months so I just saw this. So glad your GW is doing much better! Sounds like she is going to recover quickly! Great job on your part noticing the signs and getting her to the vet ASAP! A good lesson for everyone! ;)
He was making a groaning sound for a few days that I thought was just something he was repeating. He did that alot.. pick up a sound and say it over and over but vet said it was a sign of discomfort. He was also lethargic and could barely speak clearly... like he was weak, although he was eating OK. The morning I took him in, he did not look well but his voice sure worked fine when the vet picked him up for examination. Vet said lungs were clear as well as throat and that it was something else and wanted to do a gram stain. Then the vet took him around the corner and out of the exam room and said before he could do the test, my bird died from cardiac arrest. My husband to this day thinks the vet did something to cause it. I cannot place blame because it will not bring him back. We are still grieving 3 weeks later, this loss is so profound.
We are still grieving 3 weeks later, this loss is so profound.

My thoughts are with you both.

I cannot even imagine your grief and the hard time you must be going through.
We get so attached to these wonderful creatures.

Take good care of yourself.
My GW Mac is out there somewhere... I understand profound loss at the moment. It takes a hell of a lot longer than 3 weeks to deal with the loss of a bonded big mac. Allow yourself the time to grieve. This is almost a parent child realationship... even if other people don't understand that.

Glad yours is making a good recovery.
I wanted to express my condolences, too. I don't have a big mac, but love is love, and the loss of love, despite the size of the package it comes wrapped in, is the same grief. Thank you for doing all you could for him. May your hearts heal in time.
My GW Mac is out there somewhere... I understand profound loss at the moment. It takes a hell of a lot longer than 3 weeks to deal with the loss of a bonded big mac. Allow yourself the time to grieve. This is almost a parent child realationship... even if other people don't understand that.

Glad yours is making a good recovery.

Mark, I so sincerely hope and pray that you find Maggie real soon. Checking this forum almost on a daily basis, I am always hopeful that I will see a “good news, we’ve found Maggie” thread from you.
I presume every radio and tv station in Texas are lending you a hand in trying to find her. Hang in there, Mark and don’t lose hope.
She has come back before.
He was making a groaning sound for a few days that I thought was just something he was repeating. He did that alot.. pick up a sound and say it over and over but vet said it was a sign of discomfort. He was also lethargic and could barely speak clearly... like he was weak, although he was eating OK. The morning I took him in, he did not look well but his voice sure worked fine when the vet picked him up for examination. Vet said lungs were clear as well as throat and that it was something else and wanted to do a gram stain. Then the vet took him around the corner and out of the exam room and said before he could do the test, my bird died from cardiac arrest. My husband to this day thinks the vet did something to cause it. I cannot place blame because it will not bring him back. We are still grieving 3 weeks later, this loss is so profound.

I'm so so sorry for your loss. This must have been so devastating. :( Our birds are our family. Take time and let yourself grieve. Hugs to you both.
My GW Mac is out there somewhere... I understand profound loss at the moment. It takes a hell of a lot longer than 3 weeks to deal with the loss of a bonded big mac. Allow yourself the time to grieve. This is almost a parent child realationship... even if other people don't understand that.

Glad yours is making a good recovery.

Mark, I so sincerely hope and pray that you find Maggie real soon. Checking this forum almost on a daily basis, I am always hopeful that I will see a “good news, we’ve found Maggie” thread from you.
I presume every radio and tv station in Texas are lending you a hand in trying to find her. Hang in there, Mark and don’t lose hope.
She has come back before.

Nobody has aired it. Neither have the TV people. I emailed all of them.
[/QUOTE] Nobody has aired it. Neither have the TV people. I emailed all of them.[/QUOTE]

Mark, have you tried via your Facebook network. Or maybe even doing a sponsored post on Facebook for a greater reach? I’ve had some people do this in my area with some degree of success. Just a thought.
Well, back from the vet tonight and I’m quite discouraged. After more bloodwork the vet told us that her WCBC had not come down. It is still at 25,000 (when it should be at 15,000 I am told) even after another 10 days of meds. I was expecting far better results.

Physically, our GW seems fully recovered. Eats well, very vocal and quite active, etc. But the WCBC indicates otherwise.

So we are to continue with the meds for another 10 days or so unless the senior avian vet says otherwise when she is back next Monday or Tuesday. Who knows, maybe she will switch antibiotics?
What medicine are they using ?
I'm sorry to hear. I've had things like this happen before too. She's in good hands, and I know she will recover completely. I can understand feeling discouraged though. Hang in there.
Oh, no. I'm so sorry to hear the WBC has not gone down. It's possible it's a very stubborn infection, or maybe a secondary infection. Either way, I hope the senior avian vet has answers for you. We're all pulling for her!

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I'm so sorry, too. This sucks, actually! :(

I truly hope they get to the bottom of things, and that your girl will fully recover from whatever is causing this.
So sorry to hear this! :( Hopefully she will be fully recovered soon! Hugs to you both.

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