Our CAG Ivy was killed :(

I am so sorry to hear that happened to you and your poor bird. Accidents happen, but I too would have re-homed the ferret. He was only doing what came naturally, of course, but still, it would be hard to continue to care for him. Certainly your new bird won't be a replacement, but hopefully will help fill the void you are experiencing.
I'm so sorry for your loss. That must have been extremely traumatic to find her that way. While Ivy can never be replaced, I hope your new baby will quickly become a loving, much loved member of your family (she is adorable!). And hopefully Pirate will be happy in his new home. What he did was tragic, but he was only doing what came natural. I'm with weco and billsbirds, I do not allow "predatory" animals in my home, period. My MIL has tried to bring her dogs with her a few times, and gets offended that I make her tie them up outside. Its not as if I tell her to bring them along, and I just won't put Kiwi at that risk. One can't fault an animal for behaving like an animal, but they can control what animals they allow in their home around their more "delicate" feathered family members.
I am so sorry for your loss. It will get better. your new grey it might cute:)
This is awful. I'm so sorry for your loss of Ivy. I can't imagine what you are going through. Even though I don't know you or Ivy it has left me with an empty feeling inside.

If any good can come of this, it will be that others will think twice about the type of pets they have and the freedom as well as interaction they allow. We have three dogs and two cats along with our birds. Our dogs are allowed downstairs, but the cats MUST stay upstairs. One of our cats has learned to open the 'barrier' we have and I have been passively thinking I need to reinforce it. After your story I will make sure to get this done tomorrow on my day off.

As hard as it was, thank you for sharing your story. Hopefully it will open some eyes.
Wow, i am so sorry! I had a ferret as a child and i have to say, they can be a lot of fun but are definitely "wild". It is actually the right thing that you rehomed the ferret, even out of kindness to the ferret. You would simply not have an easy time loving him the same way anymore.

Honestly i don't even have words to cover the grief you must be feeling but i hope in time it is replaced with peace, and that your new baby helps that happen. My Gilbert has even more love and adoration than he would have normally had, because i was so devastated by losing Georgie before her time. I made it my absolute mission to give Gilbert everything i possibly could, in honor of Georgie.

Let the new baby be loved 100 times in honor of Ivy.
I'm very sorry for your loss and that you had to go through this.

I had a similar experience many years ago when my daughter's pet rat attacked and killed one of our budgies. I had no idea that a little rat could be so aggressive. :(
Wow wow wow. Thank you so much for everyone's condolences. I hope Ivy's story can be passed forward to others to help prevent accidents like this from happening to anyone else. That's quite a legacy to leave, and it makes me happy knowing that a small positive can be learned from her death and she could possibly save other birds. We will definitely honor her by loving this new baby that much more, and appreciating her every day that she's here. Thanks everyone.
p.s. - Pirate went to a home with two other ferret buddies and NO birds, so I'm sure he'll have a great life too!
So sorry to hear about Ivy!!!!

I used to own a bird that was previously attacked by a ferret and was supposed to be put down at the vets. (two homes prior to having him) He never was "right" or "normal" for his species, and I don't know how many health problems were caused by that ferret attack! He was a cherry headed conure, and I miss him! I had him from December 2001 to February 2010, so just over 8 years. He died due to failing health (never could fly, left eye was damaged, he got cataracts, possible kidney failure, bad grip, had seizures, bald spot on the back of his head, stomach was bare [some may have been due to mutilation], etc). It was heart breaking to see him not be the way he should have been, and wishing I could have given him the world!

When I was getting into birds and had them, I recall my sister wanting to get a ferret. At the time, I'm glad we lived in California where they are banned! And after doing more research, she decided otherwise!

Again though, so sorry about Ivy! I hope the new girl will help fill the void that Ivy has left, and you can love her just as she is!

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