Ouch, got nailed by Kenji

Oh handsome little Kenji, that was not a very nice kiss!!! Glad it isn't too painful and is healing well so far.
It reminded me of when I first got Chu from the shelter (stray Chihuahua), I (very stupidly) leaned in to give him a kiss like I kissed the other dog and he bit me in the eye (got the top lid/brow area). Anyhow by the next day I had a black eye and the bloody teeth marks up by the brow--it just looked so 'brutal' for being a cute little Chihuahua bite.
What we pet lovers put up with! haha
Wow! It's always hard to image being bitten hard by a little dog lol It must of been a little comical when someone asked what was wrong, and you get to say a chihuahua beat you up lol

it's a good thing we love our animals buddies so much :heart:
When Bucky the chihuahua first came to live with us he attacked me in the face as well and bit through my nose and my face was drenched with blood....Their bites can be quite nasty!!!! Good thing it didn't leave permanent damage and it healed without leaving a scar.....
When Bucky the chihuahua first came to live with us he attacked me in the face as well and bit through my nose and my face was drenched with blood....Their bites can be quite nasty!!!! Good thing it didn't leave permanent damage and it healed without leaving a scar.....

chihuahuas are almost notorious for 'fear biting', it seems! the two i raised from pups never nipped anyone in their lives but the two i took on as adult dogs with issues had some biting problems at first (but are fine now)! chu was famous for the 'muzzle punch' with even just a slight nip, so he could leave a bruise even if he barely broke skin.
When Bucky the chihuahua first came to live with us he attacked me in the face as well and bit through my nose and my face was drenched with blood....Their bites can be quite nasty!!!! Good thing it didn't leave permanent damage and it healed without leaving a scar.....
I will never think of chihuahua's the same again, WOW. That must of hurt so bad! I have a chihuahua terrier mix who can be a little nippy around strange men but but to that extent.
chihuahuas are almost notorious for 'fear biting', it seems! the two i raised from pups never nipped anyone in their lives but the two i took on as adult dogs with issues had some biting problems at first (but are fine now)! chu was famous for the 'muzzle punch' with even just a slight nip, so he could leave a bruise even if he barely broke skin.
wow! Maybe it's like little birds, they are so used to being forced to do things because they aren't scary that they bite much quicker.
My dog sugar was abused and neglected as a puppy, 6 years later she still has some anxiety but it soooo much better. She's all talk and no bite(but she will mouth you). She never tries to bite me, but if someone comes in my room she always barks at them and wants to protect me. It was getting out of hand, she would jump up to nip my sisters fingers and the barking was getting really annoying. I started making her sit before I let anyone come in and she has calmed down a lot and doesn't feel like it's her job to protect me.

I'm always saying "sugar no" and now when sugar comes in my room Kenji tells her "no, sugar no" LOL He also barks like her XD

Hers her photo :heart:

She loves to sit like this lol


She sleeps with me every night :heart:

She is so cute. She 'sits pretty' like my Pinto does all the time!! That is so cute when they do that.
So sorry to hear about the bite! So painful! The picture says it all. How is Kenji doing from his fall the other day? Hope all us well.
hope things now very well :)
i'm totally scared to put my face near him even my hand i only touch his head and now trying to let him step up on my hand other that i don' think so :)
Omg, birds are jealous opportunists! Don't take it personally, although I am sure your feelings are terribly hurt! I think your bird is just treating you as part of the flock: "Why don't you pay attention to intruders? Now you can be more in-tune with me, just as you should be. Boo-yah, lesson learned."

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