OT: Who's good with names??


Mar 31, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
Gcc- Conlan... Sun Conure- Mouse...Jenday- Kellan... RLA- Happy...B&G Macaw- Rhage
We need to send our Siberian Husky's registration papers on with a name, we call her Maya(pronounced My-ya), but she needs something more. Can anyone come up with something cool and unique? Maya means many things but mostly Dream/illusion. Who's creative??

The only thing we have is:
That's Maya-llusion. (That's My Illusion)
Not fair! If you're looking for something more specific / creative for your dog, it would only be fair to tell us more - something.
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Well... She's a black and white Husky. Super sweet and thinks she's a lap dog, but bursting with energy as huskys have ha-ha. She has brown eyes and a sweetheart face, not a whiner, and is generally quiet... Hallelujah for that ;)

She's a whirlwind of chaos and isn't above giving you the puppy dog eyes or looking utterly sad when she's in trouble. Her chew toy of choice is socks, even though she has plenty of toys. And she digs holes... Lots and lots of holes lol.

She's not much of an escape artist and loves taking her naps on the couch, where she knows she shouldn't be :). She's the first to greet you at the door, though my birds will greet you with noise from another room at the other end of the house.
Maya-llusion-Hallelujah-Brown Eyes.

Hope this starts the juices flowing to arrive at something good? Please let us know what you decide.
I love names! When was she born?

Off the top of my head I'd say: Slumbers Sweet Perchance Maya or the other way Sweet Slumbers Perchance Maya.
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Maya Spirit Sister
Oh Wow! I think we could help more if we could see photos of your lovely girl!

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