Hi guys. I'm mom to a little Hahn's Macaw who we adore. I have been offered or asked to take in a four year old Orange wing amazon. I have to admit upfront I am not savvy with or knowledgable with amazons. Our Hahn's is the first I have had outside of our loving cockatoo that unfortunately I had severe asthma to. The orange wing from what I know is not liked by the hubby so it knows a few not so nice words and it's not out of the cage much also on a seed diet. Diet I can fix with some time , vocabulary well if the words aren't said anymore I am sure eventually that will stop. My concern is am I biting off more then I can chew. I've done Yorkie rescue abused Yorkies . I take in and work with abused and hard to place Yorkies but I have never worked with a parrot. Anyway input from this knowledgable group would be appreciated. We have our Hahn's on a no seed diet. She gets pellets fruit veggies etc and safflower as a treat. I do a lot if home cooked mixes for her. Thanks