One of my lovebirds died


New member
Oct 11, 2019
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Hello everyone in the forum, I'm new here and happy to meet all of you. Unfortunately I'm looking for some very serious advice, yesterday afternoon one of my lovebirds had passed away all of a sudden. She was always with her siblin, I know that even if they are siblings they form a very tight bond, and that meelo the one that is alive is gonna mourn the death of her. What my concern is that will he be alright and what I could do to make sure she doesn't get too depressed? I dont know if I am I gonna get him another partner or if I should at all? Any advice would help

Sincerely, Deep.
The first thing to do is to determine what the first died of to be sure the second isn’t sick; are you able to get a necropsy done on the dead bird? Do you have an appointment scheduled with a certified avian vet to check out the living bird?

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The first thing to do is to determine what the first died of to be sure the second isn’t sick; are you able to get a necropsy done on the dead bird? Do you have an appointment scheduled with a certified avian vet to check out the living bird?

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Hi silver sage,

unfortunately i just burried the Emi today morning and didn't know about getting a necropsy done, but i will get an appointment as soon as possible for Meelo (the living bird) and thank you very much for the advice.

Sorry to read about your lovebird, you have our sympathy. Loosing a feather baby is hard hard thing. Good on you for gtting the survivor a thorough check up.
Very sorry to hear of the passing of your lovebird. As other suggested, finding any obvious causes would be immensely helpful. Visiting a certified avian vet (or equivalent) may offer clues and help protect your remaining bird.
I'm sorry for your loss and your love birds loss.
My Ta-dah lost her freind of five years, ( Burtvwas much older) and they lived together and we're very bonded. It was indeed hard on Ta-dah. I knew the cause of death, and had Ta-dah checked by an avain vet. But Ta-dah was very depressed, would not eat, would not move, just stared into space. I was able to offer comfort by sitting with her and talking to her quietly, and playing with her food and encourage her to eat.

I hope your bird doesn't suffer as much. I haven't had a love bird. I hope you can comfort her. Is she tame?
I'm sorry for your loss..
I am so sorry. But thank you for sharing her with us. Now she has a place in our Community forever.
I'm glad you're here.
So sorry:(

Please do not get a new bird unless you find out what killed the old- if it was disease, it could spread (even if your other bird shows no symptoms). It could also be related to chemical usage in the home.
So sorry to read about the loss of your dear Lovie :o When Smokey passed away( she passed away at the CAV's office from an enlarged heart/liver) Amy (and I) were very depressed. Amy had known Smokey all her life ( Amy was 25y.o. when Smokes passed and had known Smokey since he was 4 months old) it was hard on Amy. He wouldn't talk..wouldn't come out of his house..would only move from his upper nite-nite to get a bite to eat or drink of water...and this went on for a couple WEEKS! :o
One day he saw me laying on the couch. I was still depressed and still thinking of Smokey. He climbed down from his mansion,walked across the livingroom floor and climbed the couch and my t-shirt to snuggle under my chin. He NEVER does that! After that moment everything was all good. Maybe Amy just needed a hug and know that someone loves him and needs him around :confused:

Like folks mentioned..I'd get your living Lovie to a CAV or equivalent to make sure he/she is ok before getting another. And if you do decide on another,make sure to take him/her to a vet first to make sure he/she is healthy,and quarantine before introducing to your surviving lovie.

Sad to here. Keep the other safe and do consult with the doctor asap. Its painful :(

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