I recently got a little camera I have pointed at Ona’s cage so during the rare times she’s locked in there I can keep an eye on her. I’m sad about what I’ve observed

Her sitting there….. doing nothing. In her large flight cage stuffed with toys and foraging…. Just sitting there. Now on a typical weekday she plays on/in her cage with the door open while I work in the room. She plays with all her toys just fine and has a good time, occasionally calling out for attention or step ups. She also spends a lot of time on her play gym playing by herself just fine with us in the room.
So… I’m worried that whenever I do leave the house she just does nothing but sit and wait for me

Fortunately with working from home she’s around me most of the time or if not my husband is with her. On the few occasions we are both out I’m not sure how to make sure she stays happy. Really worried about Oct when we will be gone for 11 days on vacation. I’m interviewing a house sitter that used to be an avian vet tech this week. But the sitter won’t be in the house all day - only morning and evening and maybe afternoon.