Ona’s Thread

I know I probably shouldn’t let her do this… but she’s just having so much fun :LOL:

These windows are right next to the back of the couch we let her hang out on with us. She’s finally discovered the blinds fun. Luckily we never open them on that window anyway 😂
Ona is now full on using and abusing “step up”. I think when she said it for the first time it 💡clicked 💡for her. She understands “this is what I say to tell them to pick me up! And they understand me!” Which has resulted in her saying “step up” multiple times a day because of course she always wants to be picked up 🙂 I wonder if her talking will eventually get more clear and less chirp-like.

She demands a cuddle session with me after she joins me in the shower most nights.
That’s great! (IMO) when your bird figures out it is not just making a noise or repeating a noise but figures out functional vocalizations, you are on your way to a bigger and easier relationship. Enunciating the word and emphasizing the sounds she’s missing may help the word to get clearer.

My last Quaker had many functional vocalizations. Other good ones are: “want some, want drink, thank you, goodbye, out, stop it, whisper/ quiet, cage, good night or go night night.”

For clear talking: With my Quaker, I would emphasize the sounds that she was missing or saying too softly. So, for example, Lucy came with the phrase “stop it!” but it sounded like “fop Id”. Somehow it became necessary to fix that pronunciation so I would repeat “SToPP iTT.” Because, unfortunately, she would yell at herself and me a lot in the beginning. Or, she said “wisp-bird” and I would repeat “wisPEr”.

Except for when the mistakes were too cute and then she could keep them.

Your heart will warm when Ona calls you a “good good bird” or a “pretty bird” for the first time. I think that Ona will just naturally pick up some words, too.

Ona seems like a wonderful little bird. If she needs a godmother, I am here (for emergency bird home).
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Ona is now full on using and abusing “step up”. I think when she said it for the first time it 💡clicked 💡for her. She understands “this is what I say to tell them to pick me up! And they understand me!” Which has resulted in her saying “step up” multiple times a day because of course she always wants to be picked up 🙂 I wonder if her talking will eventually get more clear and less chirp-like.
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She demands a cuddle session with me after she joins me in the shower most nights.
Oh look at those little feetsies - I just wanna tickle them!! 😍😍😍
That’s great! (IMO) when your bird figures out it is not just making a noise or repeating a noise but figures out functional vocalizations, you are on your way to a bigger and easier relationship. Enunciating the word and emphasizing the sounds she’s missing may help the word to get clearer.

My last Quaker had many functional vocalizations. Other good ones are: “want some, want drink, thank you, goodbye, out, stop it, whisper/ quiet, cage, good night or go night night.”

For clear talking: With my Quaker, I would emphasize the sounds that she was missing or saying too softly. So, for example, Lucy came with the phrase “stop it!” but it sounded like “fop Id”. Somehow it became necessary to fix that pronunciation so I would repeat “SToPP iTT.” Because, unfortunately, she would yell at herself and me a lot in the beginning. Or, she said “wisp-bird” and I would repeat “wisPEr”.

Except for when the mistakes were too cute and then she could keep them.

Your heart will warm when Ona calls you a “good good bird” or a “pretty bird” for the first time. I think that Ona will just naturally pick up some words, too.

Ona seems like a wonderful little bird. If she needs a godmother, I am here (for emergency bird home).
Good idea! I’ll try emphasizing the “P” in “step up”. Right now it’s more like a “ste u”. I hope she calls me a good or pretty bird one day that would be adorable. I don’t have an official godmother for Ona yet, that’s not a bad idea!

Oh look at those little feetsies - I just wanna tickle them!! 😍😍😍
Me too but she won’t let me :LOL:
Hahaha! Ona is so smart!!!

I'm temporarily fostering a parrot right now that tells me I'm a pretty bird and it is delightful :)
My husband and I are sick with Covid but are hanging in there. I just tested positive today.

@HeatherG i copied you and got Ona a swan fountain! Here’s a video of her first time using it. It took a while but she did finally get in. It is a little big for her but I’m hoping she keeps using it. If she doesn’t it will become a water bowl for the dogs.

What a good (clean) bird! And that fountain is just the right size and so cute.

I don’t think it will be that easy with Willow but I think Jasper will try the fountain pretty quick.

You need to give Ona a complete spa day. Like, blow dry her and buff her beak and etc…
My husband and I are sick with Covid but are hanging in there. I just tested positive today.

@HeatherG i copied you and got Ona a swan fountain! Here’s a video of her first time using it. It took a while but she did finally get in. It is a little big for her but I’m hoping she keeps using it. If she doesn’t it will become a water bowl for the dogs.

Oh I hope she decides she loves it. I just about missed my bus this morning cos I was so pre-occupied just watching her!
Willow thinks the swan fountain looks scary and made an alarm call at it when i unboxed it. I will leave it out for him to watch and hopefully he will decide it’s not scary.

Ona seems to be having fun!
Willow thinks the swan fountain looks scary and made an alarm call at it when i unboxed it. I will leave it out for him to watch and hopefully he will decide it’s not scary.

Ona seems to be having fun!
When she first saw it she thought it was scary, but then I played in the water with her watching and that won her over. :love: I hope Willow tries it out soon!

Yesterday was Ona’s first Christmas! She got lots of new toys. This year was a bit of an odd Christmas with us and family in Covid quarantine. Hoping to celebrate with family soon.

When she first saw it she thought it was scary, but then I played in the water with her watching and that won her over. :love: I hope Willow tries it out soon!
I’ve gotta block off the vents of the waterer with tape and load it up with seeds. He’s suspicious of new things. And it’s just pretty cold now anyhow.

Hope I don’t have to hold it on my lap for him to use it… chicken bird.
I finally caught her saying “step up” on video. She says it all. day. long. :LOL: Why am I here by myself?! Step up, step up, step up!!!

I love reading your updates about Ona!

Albie has the swan water fountain too, he loves his but doesnt like it filled too deep , im thinking about adding a layer or 2 of decorative pebbles to it to make the bowl shallower for him .

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