OMG! How could THAT happen?!? Still in shock!

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  • #41
Parry doesn't think I'm caring and nice "parront" - he probably hates me right now. He rejects with passion everything I'm trying to do for him. He probably feels like he is being purposefully tortured by me… :( He wouldn't even take a sunflower seed from my hand (only sometimes he would if he is too hungry). Hope I'll regain his trust after he heals...
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  • #42
Hey guys, i have another quick question - since he eats very little and has lost a lot of weight can I give him chicken or lamb broth? Just a few drops from a syringe daily? It might make his stronger. He makes himself such a hard time eating in the collar that I should give him more liquid stuff.
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  • #44
Mashed stuff wouldn't go through a syringe, and he won't eat it on his own. Right now he only eats some seeds, and doesn't touch the fruits or water. He has a privilege to have a lot of sunflower seeds now - he should eat at least something, and they are his favorite treat and high in calories. All the liquids I have to give his through a syringe - I almost feel like having a baby in the house.:)
Poor baby :( I hope he gets better soon!

...maybe water the mashed sweet potatoes down until they're liquidy enough for a syringe??
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  • #46
I was thinking about doing that - I have baby food with carrots and mashed sweet potatoes, but I'm afraid he can choke on it. I'd rather stay with liquids for now. Yes, he is so miserable and his pride is ruined - I cannot wait until Monday vet appt when she is gonna take that stuff off (hopefully).
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  • #48
We went to the vet today, and she said the bandage and collar should stay on until the end of the week. :( I hope she really knows what she is doing. But he gained a bit weight which is good. Parry is getting used to life in a collar, and I try to comfort him as much as I can. I'm inventing all sort of feeders and water dishes that are easily accessible with the collar. :D He was a very good boy over the weekend when we were gone for two long days. I decided to risk and leave him cage free at home as he always has been, and he was fine. Oh I just cannot wait when his toe heals and he can come back to his normal self again.
Hey Veimar; sounds like things are getting positive - you should patent all your new feeders and dishes!! Lol... hope that Parry's spirits improve and he starts going back to being your little precious...
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  • #50
Okay, I have an update - after Parry spent about 3 weeks in the collar and bandage he got really used to it (even had his usual scream), and his wound healed. So the vet asked me to try to take the bandage off and next day the collar. I even put some bandage on his other foot to distract his from chewing on the injured one. Guess what - in less than 15 min he made it bleed again! :mad::11: I was so mad!!! It didn't bleed hard, just a drop or so, but it looks pink and irritated now. So I guess the collar goes on again tomorrow! :( I'm so upset! Why on earth is he doing that???:confused:
And I also had to clip his wings a bit so I could catch him if he flied off (don't worry, he can still get on the ceiling fan!)
But the worst thing I did today was clipping the budgies too short!:17: I figured it would be unfair if I clipped only Parry, so I decided to clip them a bit too. I didn't realize how much weight they have gained, and alas! they just glided down to the floor! OMG!:eek: I feel just awful now! I only clipped about 5 long feathers half way as they had before. They were so sad and confused that it made me cry… I feel like I committed a crime.
Anyway, not a happy ending of the day...
HOLY COW!! I just read your post (not any of the rest) I hope he's still ok.

I had bought Sheldon a new toy and it had one of those little cow bells on it. Apparently he was working over the ringer part that hangs on the inside and got his beak stuck. He was shaking his head around trying to get it off. I guess he could have panicked himself to death. So my daughter thought it would be fun to take a video first then rescue him for the bird eating toy:11:. I'm glad she was home.
I know its late but maybe helpful to know when Emmy hung her toe it turned black and she was eating it chewing off pieces continually. I sure it would have bleed if it wasn't dead tissue. The vet took 2/3 of her toe and put black tar stuff on the nub. She picked at it a little and about 10 days she was all better. Now we have nesting issues. Anyway maybe they could do the same for you. Blessings to you both, Bonita
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  • #53
He STOPPED picking on it for the first day, but I'm still watching. Yes, Bonita, I was thinking tar too, and even looked up some vet glues on If he continues chewing I'll have to ask the vet to put some tar on it too. Thank you for advice, I appreciate!

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