OMG did this for $30


New member
Aug 9, 2011
New York
Alexandrine "Mango"


playgym2.jpgHey Everyone,

If I can do this so anyone can. Im a single Mom with three kids and money unfortunatly is an issue at times. So spending $200 and a playgym isn't an option. However being without Cable, Phone and Internet thanks to the Hurricane my bordome got me! I had more than enough wood from all the trees in my yard and spent about $28 bucks at home depot and this is what I came up with, it's not done yet still have some perches im gonna add around the sides...what do you think..???
Who's a clever girl? it looks great, well done. Lucky birdy to have such a resourceful mum
WOW, very nice. It looks every bit as good as the ones they are selling on ebay for a $150.00-$200.00. Minus the cups.

But did you make sure that the wood is bird safe wood? Alexadrines are known chewers.
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MtDoraMike, It is from a large Maple (not red) tree that was in my backyard. The tree was totally healthy and only fell because of hurricane. I asked my Avian Vet and she said it was safe but to scrape off outer bark. I did scrape the .... out of it ( can u say blisters) and I also baked it in the oven. And lol I know the cups are huge but their 3in and the 2in ones my Mango wouldn't of even been able to get his head in, even the guy at Home depot said it looked like a huge difference in size. But my baby loves his fruit so he now has a bowl big enough for it...LOL. Im not done with it yet though, I have six 7in perches I'm gonna put around the sides going down. I'm very happy with it, I love it and I love even more that I didn't shell out a ton of money, it feels pretty good that I made it for my baby.
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Also, all the hardware is Stainless Steel. The only thing that could potentially hurt him is the vinyl tile I used, but its at the bottom and he would have to chew it. Im gonna watch him but I dont see him going down there its about 4 1/2 tall and hes never alone. Im gonna keep on eye on him and see what he does.
awww well done, looke really professional. now stop making me want to chop a bit off the magnolia at work :) to try! my managers already having fits as i am turning down late over time as it interfers with nuts routine!!!

funny story to that is, one of the old dears, walked by as i gave the reason, and muttered loudly, its ok, i'll just put myself to bed! just make sure my breakfast is on table in morning!!! lol
WOW! Great job! And the "price" is JUST RIGHT! ;)

I think Mango is going to love it, will love the fact that you took the time to make it for him. It is something you both can be proud of :)

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