Oddly coloured urates? Photo attached. Please be warned this contains pictures of poop 👀


Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2025
Reaction score
Hereford, UK
Banksy - a Turquoise Green Cheek Conure
Hey guys! Apologies, I'm probably totally overthinking about this but it's 11pm right now and I'm worried about my lil dude. He's acting absolutely fine and I weigh and monitor his poop daily to make sure it looks healthy. He's also a consistent weight. I've noticed his last two poops have been odd and not consistent with his usual style. The urates are an odd colour which has never happened before. He's on a Harrison's pellet diet and hasn't had any fruit or veg today as he'd had some chop yesterday.
I don't find the occasional odd poop to be a concern even several in a row as long as no sign of blood.
However a day or two consistent off normal I would be concerned.
What you are showing wouldn't concern me.
Someone smarter than me will chime in before long.
That's alright, I really appreciate the response, thank you! It sounds a bit silly but being a first time parrot owner and knowing how quickly their health can deteriorate without you realising, I feel happier just asking and checking with others for a second opinion. I love my boy more than I love anything on this entire planet so I try my best to do everything I can to check he's healthy and happy and he's recently had a full health checkup in the last month so I think I'm just overthinking things. Thanks again for taking the time to read and reply to this!
That's what we are here for to help each other help our FIDs
I fully know how you feel about Banksy. The loss of a FID is losing a portion of your soul
That poop looks normal to me. If you have an avian vet you should have him poop on a clean white paper towel and photograph it. See if your vet will take a look at the photos and let you know if you should be concerned.
Have your bird poop, not the vet!
Ahahaha thank you! That did make me laugh. I definitely think I'm overthinking things. He's asleep in bed right now and has been acting as normal so I will see how he (and his uhhh droppings) are in the morning (the parrot, not the Avian vet 😉). I think being a first time owner, I am hyper aware that parrots can hide illnesses etc and that regular weighing and checking their poop is the best method for catching it early. So, any small change instantly gives me anxiety even when it's not needed. I really appreciate the responses and information and will absolutely check with my Avian vet if I still feel unsure in the morning :)
Thank you guys for all of the advice yesterday! Happy to say he's been totally back to normal today so I think I was overthinking things but really appreciate all the help and advice. You've been fantastic! Much love from myself and Banks

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