October 2023 POTM Contest!

Most of us are captivated by the beuty of birds but the "ugliest" duckling can often have the most beautiful heart and character. My grey tiel, Shifty, is like that, just the normal grey colour but I love his personality.

Official entry
Here we see Shifty drying out himself after having a bath. I like the fact that I can check his wings and feathers without having to handle him.

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Awwww, beautiful boy, Shifty! Nothing "ugly duckling" about him, and a beautiful heart to go with it! :)
Hi. Since Ruby is sick, I can only find a pic that can show her mischievous personality getting her in trouble! Official entry:View attachment 54993

This was one of the JFF but I think I shows Ruby’s personality very good! (In getting in trouble!) Hope Ruby gets better!
I can't argue with that. A mischievous personality, especially for an ekkie, is testament to that inner beauty we're talking about. Keep it up, Ruby!
My little couple named Andy Squawkers (green) and Sky Child (blue/white/yellow mix) are mating down in Iowa fall. they will have sex when they think im not looking. but no eggs yet. but i have a feeling. Sky cannot be separated from Andy and it's SO CUTE. here's a picture! I edited a tad for fun. I did this with a computer so it was hard for a picture that was only in selfie mode | I just noticed but instead of romeio and juliet its more of Blu and jewel from rio
They're just beautiful! Andy Squawkers and Sky Child are showing the love! :)
Official Entry: Teeko
Teeko is a Cinnamon Green Cheek. To me he matches the colors around him. When he is outside with me..his colors really shine vibrant like a Bob Ross painting lol
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Yay, Teeko! What a happy, beautiful soul he has! I love it!
Our funny guy Gordy!

Unfortunately he passed on10/03/23
He was an amazing ray of light and joy, he brought the fun to the party, he made many friends in his short life! He will be missed forever.
Awwwwww, Gordy. Obviously, he had quite the personality. I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm happy you chose to share him with us in the contest. A lovely tribute. ♥️
I love all the entries this month but I was expecting more "inner beauty" entrants. Disabled birds. Plucked birds. Very elderly birds. Baby birds (some think they are "ugly" because they have no feathers). I wasn't going to enter my budgie Rocky but so many people thought she was ugly when she was a baby without feathers but I thought she was beautiful! So here she is again. Rocky, my Rockstar BabyBird! Isn't she gorgeous!View attachment 55256
Nothing ugly about baby Rocky! Sooooo sweet! And TINY! OMG is there anything cuter than brand new baby birdies?
Heres a bedraggled Solo after a bath , several months ago; not looking at his best lol. I seem to remember that day he just didnt Want to get out of the shower and I had to remove him before he had finished as he was very wet.
Soggy Solo! :) Is it an ekkie thing that they get so into a shower that they never want it to end? My Tucker is the same way 😁
Diesel bird loves his yogurt in the mornings. He sticks his head all way inside the little mason jar🤣. Then he needs a bath🚰I make his yogurt so it doesnt have any sugar in it. Diesel will share his yogurt with me🥰
This is official entry. I saw other people putting this with their post so I figured I needed to.
Hahaha, Diesel is quite a character! Thank you!
My hormonal Tiny Turkey ,Albie

Even when shes a raging ball of feathery anger shes still so cute and beautiful
Awwww, I love Albie! How could I not? Just look at that face! Cuteness overload 😍
Okay folks, there's just a little time left for last minute entries before the contest closes. Thank you everyone who has participated so far. All the submissions are absolutely beautiful. I'm grinning ear to ear looking through them. There's another impossible decision coming up soon!
What is it about tiels that they look so sweet and happy all the time? Rico is living up to that, and then some! Gorgeous baby :)
It’s their undeniably cute tactic they use to lure you in! They then rob you of your snacks and bite you and damage your lungs.

We all love them for it, though!
Thank you everyone who participated! The contest is now closed, and the poll can be found here:

Good luck everyone! :)

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