Novice Wants B/G

I once let a strange Patagonian Conure on my shoulder. He just about took off my earlobe - smart girl that I was I was wearing VERY flashy earrings! It happens when we don't know better beforehand, and we learn not to the painful way. I think the price is fair and she seems like a bird who is willing to make an effort to trust you, which is huge. If you are ready for a Macaw, this sounds like it could be a good option for you. For SURE get her checked out, and make sure you budget for large vet bills before you bring her home. Only get her if you are willing to put more money into getting her healthy. I am sorry she has been yelled at to shut up! I hope that she has the opportunity to learn nicer words soon. She may tell your guests or yourself to shut up on occasion, or often, so keep in mind that she may have a larger vocab that isn't pleasant, and decide if that is an issue for you. Also, it is very unlikely that she showed you every bad thing she does while you are there, so keep in mind that this is a type of rescue and her long neglect will have consequences. Ask yourself if you have the time, courage, patience, and resources to deal with whatever behaviors come up, though I guess that is just a thing with birds, all pets, in general.

Good luck to you both! Keep asking questions. In my life I find that 80% of the mistakes I have made with my pets could have been avoided if I had asked advice before I tried something with my animals; NEVER be afraid to ask questions.
I think you are right about liability. Funny visual of the GW chasing a man!

True Wendy. I need to go and get my fix. When I was there a couple of weeks ago they had one. But something tells me he/she will be gone after Parrot Palooza this weekend. They have sold at least 4 this year and seem to keep getting more. Rosie is the only baby GW I have met there...
Well, the thing I find odd about the whole thing, is that if you weren't afraid of him, he wasn't aggressive, but if you were... he would not only chase you, but he would bite the crap out of you.

He tried that with me, I just pulled the couch cushion off the sofa, and backed his little butt up into the corner.

It stopped. Immediately.

But he still chased the guy who ran from him... and when he caught him he drew blood.

Ever watch two macaws beak wrestle?! They both stand their ground... same concept. If you run, they will chase.

MY GW does this for fun sometimes... She'll go big bird on top of the cage, and then climb down, and chase my daughter around the sofa. The difference is my daughter can stop the game at any point, kiss this bird on the beak, and scratch its head...
Things have been going very well since my two B/G where purchased in September. I felt I was bonding with both of them. I kept them with me when ever I could around the house or in the yard. The both would spend time on my arm - no bitting or aggression. Rebecca was letting me scratch her head and under her wing and when I had her on my arm she would get as close to me as possible and rub her head on my chest. Things changed with Rebecca, the older one (9 yrs) when I rented one of my bedrooms to a friend. She took to him instantly and will not have anything to do with me or the other roommate. When her new friend is sitting on the couch she will get off her cage and walk across the room to be with him. If one of the small dogs gets on the couch next to him she again gets off her cage and goes to the couch and attacks the dog. If I offer my arm and ask her to step up she signals her displeasure with an attempt to bit. Same when the other roommate or I offer treats. The younger one (Sammy) still likes me and wants to be near or on me. I don't know that I will every win back Rebecca's affection. I have decided not to worry about it and let her continue to bond with my friend. I still have Sammy as a companion. It all seems very strange. She has dumped me for another fellow. When he moves on I will probably have to let Rebecca go with him.
Yep. Hyacinths have a head like a rottweiller!

But they sure are fun to play with!

Wouldn't want to have to pay for a stainless steel cage, or palm nuts, or macadamia nuts, or the sheer volume of toys that go with them... (unless I was rich.) BUT...

My Greenwing is every bit as mushy and playful as any Hyacinth I've ever met!

I have a Palm and yes the nuts gets expensive. Just got an order in from Great company and fast delivery. I have an Animal Environments Luxor Stainless Steel Cage, custom double welded!!!!!! Big Beaks and big cages and lots of fun! Toys are a must have with these big birds. It keeps them busy and happy! I couldn't help but comment on this. My husband said tell him me neither!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your first meeting a Hy story Birdman!!! What an absolutely awesome visual!! Hys are such puppy like birds. Anytime I see one I just want to cuddle them in and sniff their yummy scent.

When we went to TN to Parrot Mountain, they had two Hys. You were able to handle any of the birds but the Hys. They said they were the meanest type they had. Made me scratch my head knowing what I know. I prefer the big beaks to the small ones. To me it seems like generally the bigger the beak the gentler with it they are. Of course, I could be a bit biased... :)

The worst bite I ever had was from a Quaker! Considering I own a Palm, Rose breasted Cockatoo and a Queen of Bavaria thats saying something. I spend a lot of time volunteering at the local rescue and they have 100 birds of all types, mostly cockatoo's and macaws a few amazons. They have about 6 Quaker's and everyone of them are so aggressive.
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Hi Gene - First let me say I am so happy you went back for Rebecca, if you hadn't I would not of been able to continue reading this thread, as it tore at me when you described how she looked and how she stepped up for you right away. So I admire you for that. Don't give up on her as it's only been a couple of months, really not that long to a parrot and their behavior can take months, sometimes years, to change. I'm glad you're not jealous of her affections, but still, she is your bird and she can come back as easily as she went. Try some treats she particularly is fond of. I was so glad to see you had posted today. You didn't mention if Sammy was still plucking or not. The newspaper was a good idea. I don't know your location but I wanted to mention that the Wesco Kabobs have been very useful to me getting my parrotlet to stop plucking - and they come in several sizes from 'mini' to quite large, and all of my birds LOVE them. Good luck to you and to Rebecca and Sammy - I'm glad you filled us in.
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Oh my lordy-wordy! If I could get a macaw for $500 I'd positively step up and hang upside down!!! All your bird will need from you is calm and patience - the diet will improve over time and the feathers will improve in line with the diet. Just be sure you're aware that owning a parrot is an every day commitment for a lifetime. I hope you do decide to get the bird - the rewards of forming a bond with a creature that could easily fly away from you if it wanted have no words to describe them. :)
Thank You for rescuing. I'm pretty sure the bird knows you were his saviour. In time, I personally think rescue animals are the best ones as opposed to store / breeder bought.
Sammy has quit plucking and all of his feathers have grown in. In addition to the newspaper rolls and toys I gave him all the free time I had and kept him with me while I did my chores.

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