Not allowing medical help posts


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 20, 2023
Talking Fancy Lutino Parakeet, 3yrs old- 60 word vocabulary. Named Otto Von Ruthless
I know I'm probably in minority on this. It just makes me sad when posts asking for help with serious medical concerns usually seems like the post is replacing seeking veterinary care. Seeing more and more of these posts. It's heartbreaking.
I understand we all have different circumstances and I'm not judging anyone. I feel deeply for both the person seeking help and the bird.
I'd like to help if the subject says "Help!"and I'm thinking its something like cage set up, dietary, behavioral etc. but then I click on and read about a bird with a serious medical issue. Or one said it in the subject their bird was struggling to breathe. 😭 No one here can help that bird from this forum, by the time someone replies it could be too late.
I'd love it if when someone signs up you're told that medical concern posts aren't permitted and give them the link the lists of vets. Really all any of us can do anyway is refer them to the avian vet list.
I try to avoid those posts but it's not like I can just avoid "Health" section, they are suggested under most recent and in almost every category here and some put it in the subject line like one, the bird was struggling to breathe i didn't have to click to read it. . I could avoid posts subject "help" but they all don't use that as the subject.

I love this forum, I want to participate and interact with all you wonderful bird people but it's hard to enjoy it with constant triggers. I'm super sensitive to animals injured or sick and always have been. I know I can't help them all, I wish I could. Hell as a kid I cried over finding a dead cricket...I'm leaving this forum more often than not in tears or worrying about a bird I've never met or seen. It's getting to be too much for me. Yes, I know I can abandon my account and leave the forum but. I'd love to stay.
I thought when I joined a year ago here, I'd.rarely see these kind of posts. So seeing them so often isn't what I expected. If we could help them it would be different but 98% of them need to see an avian vet ASAP just not the advice of internet strangers.
I'm not talking about posts where you share something that happened just the ones seeking medical advice especially when it's emergency that bird needs a vet now.

Just my thoughts and being honest on my experiences here lately. Not whining or judging.
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I know what you mean about some of those posts, @OttoVonRuthless, some of them leave me in tears too. Personally I always include the "Avian Health Resources" thread when I send my welcome message to any new member and I believe the other mods do too, but often it seems that new members are not even aware that they've got a message from us, much less actually read it. And many's the time that I've linked up that thread, only to find that the new member is from a country that has few or no avian vets available, or live many hours' drive away from one, or can't get in to see one even in an emergency. Avian vets are becoming harder to find and/or access, indeed mine retired earlier this year. But there have been many occasions when our membership has actually been able to help someone in that situation and their bird has recovered, so we really can't close our doors to people who need help.

On a personal note, I would hate to see you participating less in our community @OttoVonRuthless and I know many others would too and I'm sorry you find these posts so upsetting - quite frankly so do I. But the more our membership grows, so does the cohort of members who will have experienced such a situation and may actually be able to help, and we would not want to curtail that. There are also times when a member might have been to several avian vets already, and for whatever reason none have been able to help so they have turned to us in extremis. True we are not vets and there are many cases where it is appropriate to recommend prompt, professional intervention. But frequently where the member is in some remote part of the world we may be their last or only resource, and we would not want to turn anyone away in their time of need.

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