No one ever told me..


New member
Feb 1, 2012
Winchester area, VA
I've read alot of books and websites and things, deciding to get a Grey wasn't exactly an impulse but something I've wanted to do for quite a while. I've read all about the dust and I'm prepared for that. Dust is nothing after scoopable cat boxes. That's a fight there trying to find the right litter that isn't so dusty. No, dust is nothing, what I never read about anywhere were the little down fluffs blowing in the air that somehow always manage to find my coffee! :11:
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LOL! Do you like your coffee dark or with fluff?

I don't have an African Grey, but definitely have a lot of fluff around the house even with a tiny GCC.
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I've never noticed anything like that from Tico but maybe because he is so small. Maybe I shouldn't say small fluffs 'cause they are about the size of a small gumball. The upside to it is the cats love to chase them around the house. :D
lmao with nut it starts after new yr till near summer the dropping of the fluff
i've learned never to drink coffee when birdies are around LOL.
I'm the same! I knew to expect the dust, which so far isn't too terrible the little puffs that look like I always have dandelions in the house were a surprise lol.
I've learned never to drink a drink I can't see through after I've left it unattended with birds around. D:
haha glad to know it isn't just me. I have been seeing little puffs of white on some surfaces or just floating around in the air since she came home. I figure it is where her adult feathers are replacing the down stuff. When she is wet there is still a lot of white under her green feathers.
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Yeah I don't know. I guess I've never really been up close and personal with an adult grey to really know. He does have alot of downy fluff but I think that might be normal? I'm really not sure. Tico is sort of small and I've never really paid that much attention. I'd go have a look now but he's all tucked up in bed.
Try to have two Cockatoos and multiple cockatiels with powder dust and fluff balls from all the other birds....we vacuum daily!!!!! Tell me about the kitty litter dust, yea we've got two cats, one long haired cat that tracks litter everywhere. We also do a major cleaning couple times a week. Air filtration system everywhere. And 3 dogs to chase to keep ourselves hair free...
Pete and Merlin both make huge ones. Much larger than Rowdy's. And they are both molting so you can guess what I clean up every day. They sometimes look like spiders! Also, my cat keeps taking them and putting them next to her food bowl. I even found one in the bathroom yesterday. Merlin was wearing one on the top of her head like a hat a couple of days ago.

It's been awhile since one got into my coffee. I, too, need my coffee! You know you're a bird person though if you just fish it out and continue drinking the coffee:D
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Shoot cats don't need long hair to track litter, mine are experts at it! And Oliver..I haven't figured out just what he is. He's sort of a shorthair but like none I've ever seen before, this cat has an undercoat like a husky or something and I have to keep him combed regularly. It's not unusual to pull a hamster sized ball of dead fur off him each time. Meaning he sheds like a monster all year long.

And lol at Merlin's hat. The first time Oliver came across one he tried to sniff at it and it stuck to his nose. That was entertainment until he just licked it off and ate it.
My cat is the same way. Short haired, but extremely thick coat, and longer hair than most short hairs. I also get the hamster sized ball of fluff off her each day. She has tufty toes, too, so there is probably a long haired cat in her ancestry.
My cats are pretty good cats considering they were both strays I brought in from outside. Fiyero the long haired boy was very young under 1 lb when we took him in so he probably don't remember much of outside life. I rescued him from a tree, he was stuck up there for 2-3 days from what I was told by the neighbors. From me not being a cat person but have the love for all animals I got him off the tree and took him home where I fell in love with him, my heart sunked when I watch him eat as he was starving to death, swallowing his food whole without chewing. Oh god do we love him now 2 years later....but he's a litter tracker, on dresser, bed, everywhere....our other cat Pearl don't track sand everywhere but she is a short haired cat that we took in when she's about 5 months old my vet think....being a stray cat, it took her awhile to get adjusted. But she's a loving cat now too, if I can only get her to exercise more, she don't care for toys very much....
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And that's exactly why I set about trying to toilet train my cats with the Litter Kwitter. Things were going along swell until I think Charlie stepped through the hole in the middle of the amber ring or something or got splashed. He would do #1 along the outside of the ring instead of aiming for the middle but starting doing #2 behind the bathroom door. I finally gave up when I caught him doing it on my bed.

[ame=]pottysneak.MPG - YouTube[/ame]

Sorry for the focus and trouble and the lack of editing at the end. Sort of worth watching for what Charlie does. Yes look for Charlie after he vanishes into the bathtub :D
You mean coffee doesn't come with feathers in it?????
Oh, the things I learn here.

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