No eggs!!!?

Can you take some new photos and upload them for us? Photos of the birds and their cage?
He is doing a lot better now. Ill send pics later. Also this is.a bit strange I saw my male tuck newspaper under and bring it in the box ._. Thought that was a female job?? Can it be possible both were tested wrong?? Do I have female female or male female. The one that was suppose to be female I never see her do anything. The male feeds and bring the paper in?? He feeds the female. I'm getting confused. The box looks almost complete with newspaper and feathers.. Ill upload pics later
if the "male" is tucking, there is a very high chance you have two females.

which, females dont often get along as well together, which could explain the plucking and the fighting.
It's possible that you have two birds of the same sex, but it's not unheard of for males to tuck nesting material in their rump feathers either... Uncommon, just not unheard of.
Young females can be mis-sexed as males by the pelvic sexing! It depends on how old the one you think is a male. You may have both females! Like Monica says, males can do it too, but it's more of the female's thing to do. All the ones I've raised before, only the females does it. How old is your pair? During any time your unsure if they're sick or not, you should always bring them into the vet as we can only speculate. With birds, you can not just say oh he looks better, you need to be SURE he is better!
He looks better now. Male I think is 3 yrs, female 1 1/2??
He is running around cage eating drinking then back to shredding. His stomach looks big ._.
Also when he perches he doesn't perch as far as female. Female is super far and his is close. I'm so confused lol
width of stance is not very accurate, the only way to accurately sex lovebirds is DNA test

but if the "stomach" is big, you could be looking at an eggbum, which indicates a female. but photos would help.

my lovebirds were sexed when young by the person we got them from, she did the pelvic testing. told me Munch was a boy and Mango was a girl. DNA test proved that WRONG and Munch lays eggs. it's not accurate one bit. DNA proved Mango is a boy and Munch is a girl.
Actually I don't think it's big stomach lol

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