Nikki is doing better


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
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New York
I Sun Conure who hatched March 23. 2004. I adopted her on May 8, 2005
I had a Quaker Parrot named Nikki who lived for 19 years
I grew up with Budgerigars named Screech, Zoar and Blue Baby
So Nikki had her follow-up appointment today.

The good news is that she no longer needs to take Piperacillin via the nebulizer, which I am very happy about. She was getting nebulizer treatments twice a day for 14 days. It was a lot of work for me.

The vet still wants to complete the doxyclycine injection treatment so she got another one today. This is the third dose and he told me treatment runs a month.

She tested negative for avian chlamydia by the way.

She is on all oral supplements now - Milk Thistle for the liver, Vetamega for inflamation and DMG for immune system.

He took some blood to do a CBC and check her liver function and other values related to her health.

One thing that concerns me is that he listened to her heart and noticed a slight heart murmur. He was not surprised because she did go into cardiac arrest last year when waking up from her wing amputation surgery.

He recommended her getting an echo cardiogram to investigate further and since this is not an invasive procedure that requires anesthesia (Nikki really can't be put under again), I agreed to have it done while she and Sunny are boarding at the vet clinic while I am away for business. I am a little nervous though what this will lead too. My little girl has been through so much and is such a fighter. Despite all that she has been through, she still has that big personality that I so know and love.

Does anyone on here have a bird with a heart murmur?

Also, I hope you do think I am going overboard with her? All I have to say is that I am so thankful that I have pet insurance. It has been really helpful.
Happy to hear she’s doing better!

I don’t have any experience with birds that have health issues like this, maybe someone else will chime in.

I don’t think you’re going overboard, if the vet says she needs all the treatment she’s receiving and you are seeing positive results then I think your doing just what she needs 😊
Kirby has a heart murmur! He also had liver disease which has since reversed. The murmur is mild, and had been examined several times by different vets before someone noticed it accidentally. As he has tachycardia and atherosclerosis, he is on enalapril. It seems to help with basically everything. We have been told we will one day lose him to a heart event, but as long as he takes his meds and we watch his weight it may not be for another 20-30 years. It sounds scarier than it is, especially if it’s mild!

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