Nike napping


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Nike a Hawk Head Parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus)
Spent this cold, windy day watching grandkid's softball and got back to the camper for a rest before an evening of campfire and bourbon. Nike was busy trying to tear off my buttons so I tucked them under and suffered her wrath in the form of huffing. I left her alone and she decided to tuck her head in my hand and nap for a half hour. She would occasionally grind her beak or chew on a finger but didn't move until my wife got up to make.dinner.

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They sure know how to keep us wrapped around their little talons, don’t they? What a sweet moment huh captured.

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Thanks, she's not a cuddler at all. When I first got her she would do this but it was hormonal. Seemed different this time, no hormonal behavior, just stuck her head there and alternated between beak grinding and mouthing my finger...eyes closed. It was also the first time I've seen her with her eyes closed....ever!

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Nice pic, Bill! That's unconditional love, or at least unconditional trust!
Nike is my favorite hawk-head !

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