Nightmare Birds

Lol like I said it makes sense, it's just a fear I had to deal with 15 years ago, while I've only had access to the big beaks for a few years.

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Ooooh, love this thread!

Hard one for me. I could say amazons because I perceive them as unpredictable (the only birds I ever hear about that are actually flying at people's faces for the kill are amazons. Never hear a macaw do that!).

I would say more misunderstood body language than unpredictable. They let you know in no uncertain terms they are unhappy! Usually an amazon attacking a face goes down somewhat like this:

[ame=""]Parrot Attacks and Bites Violinist: Amazing, Scary, Hilarious! - YouTube[/ame]

But I fully understand someone being afraid of having that kind of attack happen to them:eek: They kinda are the only species you hear about frequently launching arial attacks and some who hate one gender, a certain color clothing or hair style or glasses or hat or whatever can be really hard to train out of them.
Oh .my. gosh. 😂😂😂 I laughed SO HARD. the bird 'why are you laying down? Get up! Help!' Hahahahaha
Everything about that bird's body launguage said you better get that flippin' violin out of my face buddy!

I am sorry, but I love that video. Because really, the bird couldn't have been more clear about his feelings! And the fact that we never see the human again... As if the bird dealt with him and his violin "once and for all" [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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My, my, my. My nightmare bird? He's taking his afternoon nap upstairs at the moment, which means I can steady my nerves enough to get on the computer and catch up on new threads. Good one here. :57:


Actually, I think I will admit that my bird IS a nightmare bird. Picking the characteristics that people say they avoid... temperamentality, unpredictability, constancy and volume of noise, emotionality, willingness to bite, and a beak the size of some Amazons. If I had been told of his characteristics before I met him and fell in love, I'd have run away. So now, my nightmare bird is my... bird. I'm told the females are better companions.

The only bad thing he hasn't done is pluck. I was told by my first avian vet that Cockatoos, Greys and Patagonians were the highest-risk pluckers.

Other than that, he's a poster-bird for nightmareness.

I think I should start a business to make people feel better about their birds. Just Skype with me and the Rickeybird for half an hour and you'll walk away thinking your parrot is an angel.

Well, hey, maybe I can take pride in having one of the worst stinkers.

And Rival, although I kid you a lot... thank you for all you tolerate! XO:p
My, my, my. My nightmare bird? He's taking his afternoon nap upstairs at the moment, which means I can steady my nerves enough to get on the computer and catch up on new threads. Good one here. :57:


Actually, I think I will admit that my bird IS a nightmare bird. Picking the characteristics that people say they avoid... temperamentality, unpredictability, constancy and volume of noise, emotionality, willingness to bite, and a beak the size of some Amazons. If I had been told of his characteristics before I met him and fell in love, I'd have run away. So now, my nightmare bird is my... bird. I'm told the females are better companions.

The only bad thing he hasn't done is pluck. I was told by my first avian vet that Cockatoos, Greys and Patagonians were the highest-risk pluckers.

Other than that, he's a poster-bird for nightmareness.

I think I should start a business to make people feel better about their birds. Just Skype with me and the Rickeybird for half an hour and you'll walk away thinking your parrot is an angel.

Well, hey, maybe I can take pride in having one of the worst stinkers.

And Rival, although I kid you a lot... thank you for all you tolerate! XO:p
He's just being a parrot. It sounds like he doesn't break character . I imagine Rickeybird saying, 'Im a parrot, deal with it' and you three have pulled it off. How cool is that?!

CherylCali, that video is one for the ages...
OMG the violin video is hilarious!

As to just being a parrot...
In the immortal words of Parrot from The Talking Parcel, "I am not a parrot! I am THE parrot! You may call me Parrot."

(Jimmy assures me this applies to all parrots.)
my, my, my. My nightmare bird? He's taking his afternoon nap upstairs at the moment, which means i can steady my nerves enough to get on the computer and catch up on new threads. Good one here. :57:


Actually, i think i will admit that my bird is a nightmare bird. Picking the characteristics that people say they avoid... Temperamentality, unpredictability, constancy and volume of noise, emotionality, willingness to bite, and a beak the size of some amazons. If i had been told of his characteristics before i met him and fell in love, i'd have run away. So now, my nightmare bird is my... Bird. I'm told the females are better companions.

The only bad thing he hasn't done is pluck. I was told by my first avian vet that cockatoos, greys and patagonians were the highest-risk pluckers.

Other than that, he's a poster-bird for nightmareness.

I think i should start a business to make people feel better about their birds. Just skype with me and the rickeybird for half an hour and you'll walk away thinking your parrot is an angel.

Well, hey, maybe i can take pride in having one of the worst stinkers.

And rival, although i kid you a lot... Thank you for all you tolerate! Xo:p
he's just being a parrot. It sounds like he doesn't break character . I imagine rickeybird saying, 'im a parrot, deal with it' and you three have pulled it off. How cool is that?!


what cherylcali said!!!!!!!!!!!! :14:
I've never met a parrot that I didn't like. :) For me, it's more a matter of which types wouldn't be well suited to me or to living in a modest-sized apartment. As much as I admire them, the large Macaws wouldn't fit in well here-- too little space to accommodate them, and the potential noise level might be too much for the neighbors (though a few of them deserve a loud squawk or two :D). Since the worst parrot bite I've ever received came from a Rose-breasted Cockatoo, they might have the potential to give me nightmares, but I can't say that I dislike them. ;)
As an aside, Salty loves when I play fiddle, either singing along, or just listening. That person in the video was asking for it - all the classic signs of an Amazon in full " I HATE THIS" or "WHY AREN'T YOU RUNNING FROM THIS" mode. Watch it again, so you recognize it in your parrot. Of course, Amazons are known for their good taste, so it might even be "NO, NO, NOT CELINE DION, AGAIN! " mode , too.
I love this thread! Some of the comments have been hysterical! :)

Considering that I'm a woman who has never had kids, and never even wanted them when I was younger, I think any species that is too high maintenance or is 'like having a child literally' would be just too much for me. So actually that is a lot of species that would be out. So although my birds are like my children, they're the type you can legally put away in a cage when they're being bad, or you're busy or don't want to be bothered :D.

Cockatoos aren't for me for all the reasons people posting before me have stated. Although the Slender Billed Too I had was independent and hadn't had behavioral problems, I will admit... I HATED the white powder! I like dark clothing too, and it was always such a mess, especially the texture of the powder that sticks to everything.

I know a lot of members here say a large Macaw is their dream bird, but not mine. While beautiful to look at, just too much. Again, too much like having a child, and just physically way too big. I find their size cumbersome and awkward to hold. I guess it's something people just get used to. I've heard a B&G scream full blast up close and it was so incredibly loud it was just awful lol! We are fortunate where I live to see Hyacinths at the store fairly regularly, but I personally have no desire...
I think it's important to note, that even though some whole species of bird make me rather wary, to me it really is about the individual. I have met greensheet Conures and Indian Ringnecks (my two favorite species) that I would never want to live with. I have also met a Cockatoo or two in my day that I think I could make a make it work with. But really I also just think it's really fun and cool how we can all love parrots and yet there is a right and a wrong Bird for every one of us.

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So true, Silver Sage!

I never got how some non-bird people seem to think that all birds act the same. I mean, they don't think all mammals act the same.
For me, it's macaws. I think they are beautiful, but just not for me.
I know this is a few months old, but I wanted to post on this!

For me, I think nearly ever individual bird could probably work for me. Generally, without meeting them, there would be some certain species that could be on my nightmare list.

The large 'toos would probably be one of them. I think their unpredictability(but in an odd sense, so predictable), and their loud voices would put me off. Wonderful to look at and spend time with, but in the end, at my house, maybe not.

Probably most large amazons. I am infatuated with them, but the large ones are still on my list.

Then there are just some species I just wouldn't prefer having. Like African Greys.

And I think the thing that might make me have to get used to the most, out of everything, even more than any noise, would be their talking voice. For some reason, it creeps me out just a little when a parrot sounds exactly like a human, and mimicking their voice. I enjoy a parrot's 'individual' voice if that makes sense.
I love the big cockatoos but I think that would be a nightmare for me. My dad had one when I was a baby my mom the bird person did not like the cockatoo but that bird was wild caught and only liked my dad.

They seem so amazing but the cons out weight the pros with the big cockatoo like the crested cockatoo.
toos scare me, really bad from what I hear they are extremely temperamental and more than likely will bite you quite a few times (hear say) I would still cuddle the babies.

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Pelicans. Those scary b******s eat pigeons!!

[ame=""]The Pelican Eats Live Pigeon. - YouTube[/ame]

Weird as big beaked freaks. Really don't like them.

But I'm guessing we're talking more common pet birds hehe. I quite like Cockies (or as you Americans call them, 'toos' hehe) But wouldn't own one. My grandfather had a Sulfur Crested who was great and would talk to us, but that sized bird just wouldn't work for me at the minute with the size of my house and proximity of my neighbours. So that kinda rules out Macaws and similar sized birds. Although having a toucan would be ridiculously cool ;)
Pelicans. Those scary b******s eat pigeons!!

The Pelican Eats Live Pigeon. - YouTube

Weird as big beaked freaks. Really don't like them.

But I'm guessing we're talking more common pet birds hehe. I quite like Cockies (or as you Americans call them, 'toos' hehe) But wouldn't own one. My grandfather had a Sulfur Crested who was great and would talk to us, but that sized bird just wouldn't work for me at the minute with the size of my house and proximity of my neighbours. So that kinda rules out Macaws and similar sized birds. Although having a toucan would be ridiculously cool ;)

Cool but pricey from what I have seen (toucans)

And to stay on topic seagulls scare me as well, they are extremely brave and stole a French fry out of my hand!

Geese scare me too! I've been chased way too many times by them.

Oddly enough crows from what I have seen are just as brave, and can be mean, but I want one so bad!

Just watched the video you posted my goddess! That is frightening, but cool.
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