Newbie looking for some opinions!


New member
Apr 21, 2012
Hi! My name is Anna. I am 14 years old, looking to get a parrot within the next year or two. I have wanted a parrot for 2-3 years, and I've done research out the wazoo. I'm VERY responsible and mature, I have all a's and do great in school. I'm a calm and patient person. In the past I've owned cats(Biggy & Mocha), rats(Mimi & Holly), a hamster(Yucca), newts(Amy & Isaac), an armadillo lizard(Hudini), although none of these give me any kind of bird experiance. My parents always have dogs, and when I was little we had guinea pigs and two budgies. I think I'm ready for a longer commitment... to belong to a bird!...But I'm scared that I won't give him/her the best home possible! I really need to be sure, so can I get your opinions please?
Also, if I am ready, I'm a bit indecisive on the species but I've narrowed it down to four species. (More about that later.)

First of all, I will be in highschool soon, and I don't want that to be a problem. At the school I will be going to, I'll leave home at about 8 and come home at 4 o clock. I wake up at six. I plan on taking him or her in the morning when i get ready (shower, anyone?) and as soon as I get home. For probably 1 and a half to three hours. In a perfect world, I'd spend my entire afternoon with my bird, but with highschool honors classes and homework I doubt that I'll have more than that to spend.

Also, I live in a home where our neighbors live 1 thin wall away. (Sometimes I an hear them yelling at eachother! O.O) I don't think it will be too much of a problem, as long s I pick out quieter bird and train him firmly. (A little screaming is ok.)

We do not need to worry about the non-stick cookware fumes, my parents and I have discussed it and they are willing to give it up as long as I clean the oven by hand...:rolleyes: No one in my house is allergic to anything other than pollen, and nobody makes a habit of usin perfumes/colognes. I never have used hairspray in my life, although every once in awhile my sister does. (She will be using it in a different room however.) I know about heavy metal poisoning, windows, night frights, escapees, poisonous plants and substances, etc.

I've got cage dimensions, bar spacing, diet, and bird-proofing all figured out. I'm prepared to train my parrot and stay with him for all of his existence. Most likely his wings will be trimmed for awhile, but I would eventually train him in recall and let him/her fly.

Also, in case this matters: Our home is VERY quiet. We consist of two adults, me, and a 17 year old. No young children will be handling the bird.

My main concerns are the following:

The cost of parrot food and toys monthly (I get $25 a month, should that cover it? Also I have emergency vet money in my bank.)

And, every other weekend I go to my other family's house for two days. Would he become accustom to moving back and forth routinely? I don't think I should leave him home with my parents for two days, but would that be better? Please, I want a parrot so badly for such a long time now, but if I am not ready yet, at least I will be happy to know I didn't endanger a bird's happiness and well being by making the wrong decision.
Sorry about the huge, long post! Thanks for listening and please be honest with me. :)
The species I'm considering: Pacific Parrotlet, Cockatiel, Green Cheek Conure or Senegal Parrot.
You sound well researched, so good job there! What would your plans for the bird be when you go to college or are a fledging adolescent unable to afford a house? That can be problematic. I also think that $25 a month might be a little tight, but maybe you could make it work for a cockatiel? I don't know as I do not have one, but my green cheek alone is definitely more than that per month! I wish you the best of luck in finding a feathered friend, and you deserve 'mad props ;)' for doing your research BEFORE you locked into getting a bird!

I think the situation would be workable. I have taken my GCC with me to my lake house and back with little insult or bother. This would probably largely depend on the bird. I know my two budgies I used to have couldn't have cared less about WHERE we were. Your willingness to accept it might not work is admirable. You clearly want what is best for your future bird and you will make a stellar parront!
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keep reading the posts on the forum,
and from what i gather these birds are like small children, they will grow into behaviours and some not so nice ones, because of hormones, how its been socialized, and the list is endless, but they will also grow out of them (in time :))

because of your age, there will be more changes, when you go to college, move out of your parents home, have your own children, these can be very unsettling for the bird

i agree cockatiel,
or a oap senegal, thats use to a quiet life, and is content to go with the flow
my nut is a quiet birdie :) but she is at the terrible 2's/teenage yrs, i really don't think she will mellow for a few more yrs, possibly a decade to come.
when she was a baby bird, she was my brothers, she was all cuddly and did as she was expected, then she rebelled, and when these little cute birdies get it into there heads they want a piece of you, they will and do attack, like a rabied dog with wings! and it does not matter how nice you are to them

so thats how i ended up with her, and i never researched enough, i saw life span, food requirements, space an awww cute youtube vids :)
if i'd have known it was like adopting a child, (chucky) i might not have said yes
as i never came across the negative/agressive sides to a birds personality

but now i have her, she is the 2nd child i never had :)

we keep her as a family member, to avoid her only allowing 1 person to be near her and i think that helps her understand how to live in my flock, so that maybe best for what ever birdie you decide on, make it a family affair, that way when you need to be away etc, it won't be major for the bird, as they will be comfortable with other members of your family

good luck an keep us updated :)
Welcome to the forum. I agree with cockatiel as well. They are great little birds with a cute personality. I do recommend a male though, so you dont have the problems with egg laying and stuff that comes with that. 25 a month could work for one if you save money making some of your own toys and such. :)
I agree Cockatiel. I was going to say the same thing as Sulphiria about making toys. I started a couple months ago and you wouldnt believe how easy it is and the amount of money you save by making your own. You should be proud of yourself for doing all this research first. I have a 14yr old daughter and you two seem like your alot alike. Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide.
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Thanks everyone! I'm very happy and excited that I'm one step closer! I think I'll look into getting a cockatiel or possibly a budgie. I was a little afraid that a budgie would be less playful and interesting, but I suppose that really depends on the bird and how well socialized he is. Also the upkeep of non-shredded toys and food might be more manageable with a tiel or budgie. But, I don't know...making toys sounds fun, and if you make your own you can be absolutely sure that they are safe and appeal to your birds interests! And thanks Sulphira, I'll be sure to start with a male bird no matter which species I choose. :)
A Cockatiel or a budgie will be perfect for you! Good luck!
Welcome aboard. We agree with cockatiel too. So they are pretty cool little birds with a cool personality. I'd go for the female. :)
Hey Anna welcome and I have to agree with the guys on this if your planing on going to high school I would recommend a Senegal or a conure they do need quite a bit of care just not as much as your African greys, amazons and macaws we have a five month old Senegal she is brilliant and such a joy to have around and she spoke her first word yesterday witch we are proud of her but on another note you sound like you have done alot of reaserch but as i said I'd look at a Senegal or a conure
Hi there, and welcome to the forums...

When I was 16 I acquired a very bitey budgie... He wasn't bitey with me, and that's why the people gave him to me... He helped me study, clean my room and everything else... He died after a few years with me... but then life happened! I got work, met people, got a boyfriend, who I couldn't leave alone, until I got sick of him...

I met someone else and after several years got married and had children... We moved to a new country, after some years got divorced.. I'm now 60 something, and I know I can look after my birds for many years to come, and if I don't have many years, my birds are already in good hands through my will...

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