Hello, we are getting a Green Cheek next weekend, if he's still available, and we have some questions. I am not new to keeping birds, but I am new to keeping flying birds. We have chickens.
Fiance wants to get a Sun at some point, his fav. My fav is the Green cheek I met today, he was very sweet and playful. How do we go about introducing two new birds?
The cage is this one and it will be here Tuesday.
[ame="[URL]http://www.amazon.com/Prevue-Products-Wrought-F040-31-Inch/dp/B00176F5L0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1362796100&sr=8-1&keywords=bird+cage[/URL]"]Amazon.com: Prevue Pet Products Wrought Iron Flight Cage with Stand F040 Black Bird Cage, 31-Inch by 20-1/2-Inch by 53-Inch: Pet Supplies[/ame]
This should be large enough for th both of them when they can get along, no?
Since I have chickens, I'm guessing I need to be a bit more careful and wash my hands after dealing with one and going to the other, right? Are there any illnesses chickens and conures share?
I know these guys need a bird bath, all the ones in stores are for parakeets and other tiny birds. Can anyone link me to a website that has ones for conures or would I have to make my own?
I know these guys eat seeds, would a mix of crushed corn, oats, wheat, barely and others be ok for them to also have? I sprout oats and wheat for my farm critters and read that sprouts are also yummy for these guys, true?
We also have a tiny orchard, pear and apple. I know seeds are bad, what about leaves and branches of either? We have a Mulberry tree, blueberry bushes, safe?
We grow pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, mixed leafy greens, peas and corn. Can conures have any of that?
I stay home 24/7 running the farm, we both like our sleep and read conures like 10-12hrs, we can do that for sure. Only issue would be an avian vet, don't have one that I know of what so ever.
We have dogs and cats, only one indoor dog and the two cats are indoor/outdoor. One cat is just terrible at hunting, no mice, no 1lb chickens [[bantams]], nothing. She likes to lay out amongst our chickens and randomly hop to spook them, then roll over and soak up the sun whilst laughing...or something, lol. Other cat does hunt, but two of our dogs are more of a bird threat than her. Conures will be in secure cages when the other critters are indoors, so no real worries about that.
I really do not like pinyoned birds, it's depressing and sad. I know it can be a varied topic, but my chickens are trimmed only occasionally when they decide to go dim in the head on me. I'd like to allow the conures the ability to fly. Front porch is screened, so a double door system. The side door goes to the connected laundryroom, which also is enclosed and doubly door system. So accidental fly outs would be something that could happen only in a real emergency. We have no kids and rarely have visitors, so another threat avoided.
We are buying a new pots and pans set, old teflon ones will be used as flower pots and critter bowls/waterers. We have those plug in air fresheners, are all of them not safe? We don't use candles, rarely use cleaning products and windows are cleaned of smudges with water. I don't get why people use chemicals to wash windows, you don't need them...
I do have aquariums, all but one are securely closed. The last one almost had a fully closed top, until I accidentally broke the new section of glass when I left it outside...I'll replace it before the bird
come home.
We have guinea fowl, one of them thinks it's a rooster and sings in the morning, very annoying. It's not a chicken and it's a hen, but it still wants to sing like a roo. I don't mind it much. So occasional noise is fine, I've read they are usually a calm and quiet bird with morning/dusk squaking and such.
We bought a stainless steel clip bowl, a swing, a snuggie hide out, two toys, perch and a ladder. Do these guys like to have nest houses and if so, which are the right size for them? Not for breeding, but maybe they just like to sit in them or something.
Anything else we should know or think about?