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I have tried a rope perch to the open door from inside the cage and leaving him to see if he would come out by himself but no joy he still remains in his cage...however when I now take him out he is happy to linger for a few minutes longer on top of his cage before hurriedly wanting to get back inside and the getting back inside but is less of a panic than it was...he is still in a hurry back though when the humour hits him and uses his wings to tell me he has had enough and its time to go back home to his cage. I also hung a swing for him from the ceiling just to the right of his cage and though I have placed him on it still on his perch held in my hand (as he wont so far step off onto the swing)a couple of times he just immediately flys back to the cage top again. I also tried one of the new toys again in his cage but he was still frightened of them so I removed it again... it is hanging at a little distance from the cage where he can see it and get used of it but isnt intimidated by it. He is busy doing his flock calls as I type. He is a very bad to no veg and fruit eater though which needs to change in order for him to be healthy and I have tried all the methods suggested here in this forum and nothing is working but today I plan to just eat in front of him hopefully with him sitting on my arm or the side of the will be his fruit and veg we will be eating but we wont tell Mr Biggles that :) Hopefully after a few days of trying this method he will start to eat his fruit and veg...if not then I have run out of ideas :) I have tried eating in front of him before but at that stage he was still inside his cage and wasnt willing to linger outside it for long enough to be interested in what I was eating so all going well he will start to show interest if not today then one day soon as I enjoy his fruit and veg and tell him its yummy ...he is curious about things so Im hoping he takes the bait
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Still not coming out of his cage on his own but is happy to linger now for a few minutes on top of his cage without treats looking round him and sometimes moving a little to explore before making his own way back inside the cage. I got this pic and the video while cleaning his cage. I missed most of his expressions before I managed to get the camera on him and get the video and pic :)5 minutes is the lingest he has stayed outside his cage yet before going back inside but the panic about getting back inside the cage is almost gone now

[ame=""]Watching Mummy play with my toys - YouTube[/ame]
Have you tried cooked shell pasta, and stuffing cut up veggies inside them?

That worked for Kiwi.
Have you tried cooked shell pasta, and stuffing cut up veggies inside them?

That worked for Kiwi.

Thanks I shall get some Pasta tomorrow and give it a try...its worth a shot
The hard part is getting them to try it the first few times, especially if they don't recognize it as food.

Same deal with getting picked up, and getting away from the cage.

Our "cage bound" protocols with zons involved putting a playstand in a room where they cannot even see the cage, and having them stay on that for a few days.

They're a little bit stressed at first, but after that initial "freak out" they figure out that being out and interacted with is a good thing...

Same deal with handling them. They usually resist until they get used to it.

Frequently same deal with new toys. Recoil in horror at the sight of it. Then, a few hours later "That's mine! Don't touch!" :D

Zons are just naturally contrary sometimes.
The hard part is getting them to try it the first few times, especially if they don't recognize it as food.

Same deal with getting picked up, and getting away from the cage.

Our "cage bound" protocols with zons involved putting a playstand in a room where they cannot even see the cage, and having them stay on that for a few days.

They're a little bit stressed at first, but after that initial "freak out" they figure out that being out and interacted with is a good thing...

Same deal with handling them. They usually resist until they get used to it.

Frequently same deal with new toys. Recoil in horror at the sight of it. Then, a few hours later "That's mine! Don't touch!" :D

Zons are just naturally contrary sometimes.

Yes contrary is a good word for his eating day he will try banana the next day he hates day he will eat toast then I put crushed veg as a spread on the toast so he wont eat it nor will he eat the toast anymore...the only way I can get a few beakfulls of fruit and veg into him is to make juice out the fruit and veg but even then he doesnt take a lot...I have tried him with Spaghetti before but not Pasta and I will try stuffing it with the veg to see if he will eat it. How long should I keep offering a fruit or a veg or a type of food like the veg stuffed in the pasta to him before I give up and try something else...hopefully he will try the pasta and like both it and the veg. I will also try moving him away from the cage for whiles to see if that works. I have a stand that I can place him on for a few hours. Bearing in mind that I have never so far managed to get him to step onto the stand to date (but if necessary I think I can place him on it or force him to perch on it by withdrawing all other perching spots) how long should I leave him on it on day 1?
Thanks for all the tips :)
Okay we tried the Pasta with the veggies stuffed inside and I dont know whether he ate any or not as it got flung in all directions but thats the first time Mr Biggles has even gone near a bowl full of hidden veg. We will try this again tomorrow morning and see what happens.
Well today seems to be one of those days when Mr Biggles has me on cloud 9. He ate some pasta and veggie this morning and fired the rest in all directions i do believe his artistic work on the wall and floor is a talent few posess :) but to crown this great day I was permitted to stroke him on his beak for ages this morning as he sat on top of his cage before he went back inside. He spent an hour on the parrot stand too looking out the window...he seems to like it once the cage is out of view then I placed him back on the cage for a half hour or so before going back inside his cage and while he sat on top of his cage I was allowed to stroke his beak...this is the longest session Mr Biggles has had outside his cage to date. I have been stroking Mr Biggles feet and beak for some time now very brief strokes and only now and again making sure each time thst his beak was full of a treat he valued while I stroked him but today we advanced to beak stroking without the treat and he seemed to enjoy it as much as I did stroking him...maybe he will change his mind tomorrow about all this touchy feely stuff but today he has raised me up to cloud 9 and Im so proud of him. Looks like its going to be Pasta and veg for breakfast here every morning from now on ...we eat it together...strange breakfast I know...perhaps later when he gets used of eating his pasta an veg we will move it to lunch time but for now I choose to give it to him when hes most hungry which is first thing in the for now Mr Biggles dictates that we have lunch for breakfast and breakfast for lunch as he still gets his offering of fruit at lunch time which to date he has not eaten :)
Sweet! That's great, and I'm so happy for you and Mr. Biggles!

Once he gets more used to eating the food you're giving him, maybe you can gradually cut down on the amount of pasta being offered relative to the veggies and fruit.

Pasta is good, but filling. So while there should be enough to entice him to eat, you want to make sure there isn't so much that he fills up on that alone.

The news about him allowing you to rub his beak really shows that his trust for you is growing. Your efforts are yielding fruit! Keep working at it. I'm sure this is only the beginning.
Sweet! That's great, and I'm so happy for you and Mr. Biggles!

Once he gets more used to eating the food you're giving him, maybe you can gradually cut down on the amount of pasta being offered relative to the veggies and fruit.

Pasta is good, but filling. So while there should be enough to entice him to eat, you want to make sure there isn't so much that he fills up on that alone.

The news about him allowing you to rub his beak really shows that his trust for you is growing. Your efforts are yielding fruit! Keep working at it. I'm sure this is only the beginning.
Thanks. I will wait a few days or maybe until the end of the week until he is eating the veg better and then start to reduce the pasta a you have other ideas about what I could mix in that would entice him to eat...I have tried porridge and rice and even made him a fruit and veg birdie cake but he wasnt interested in any of these things and Pasta is the very first thing that has worked to date ...funny thing is he wouldnt eat spaghetti for me but he is eating bits of pasta...he isnt eating enough of it yet for him to fill up on it...only little bits ...far more gets flung around than is eaten but he ate more today than yesterday...yes it feels real good to be able to stroke his beak...Im only allowed do that while he sits on top of his cage though. I tried it while he was inside his cage and I was dismissed and my finger pushed away by his beak :)
Mr Biggles being Charming

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Hahahahahaha! Beautiful pics! I love the red band over the eyes. He has that bandit look. And I especially enjoy that second pic. His personality seems to come through.
He's georgeous! Keep up the good work.
Mr Biggles has his own rules and I must live by them or else!!! I forgot earlier today that I was wesring a red top after returning home (after bring out for an hour) instead of the mandatory green tops that Mr Biggles approves of and I opened the cage door and offered him a treat and he flew at me in attack mode squawking...hee hee he was so angry with me that he flew out of the cage for the first time on his own in order to chastise me for wearing red. I left him squawking and doing his launch mode act threatening me from the top of his cage and I went to change into my green top and as soon as I returned wearing my green top all was forgiven and I was back to being Mr Biggles Best Buddy again :) What a Boy :)
Hahaha! I've heard lots of stories of birds who didn't approve of a certain color or article of clothing. I've been fortunate in that regard, as nothing really bothers them.

Wait, actually there was one thing. My niece once came by the house wearing several different colors on her fingernails. And let me tell you, it freaked Jolly completely out! I mean, to the point where he held a grudge for several months afterward! Lol! He doesn't bite, but he would go to ridiculous lengths to avoid her when flying through the house. High comedy!

My wife's nails are usually clear, so I guess he just wasn't prepared for such an explosion of color. Hahaha!

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Hee hee they sure are characters with their own set of rules and we just must obey ...OR ELSE!!!!!!!! ...hee hee :) :) :)
Mr Biggles getting Braver and Friendlier :)





Mr Biggles still a bit wary about being stroked on his beak but he allows it when hes not wriggling his head and playing hard to get :) He is very good at stepping up and down though and does it real enthuasiastically especially the stepping up.

[ame=""]Mr Biggles Stepping up - YouTube[/ame]

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