New to forum and a new orange wing owner

The cage is his security blanket. I would get him away from the cage and out of sight of it. Then start your training. I would start with stick training.
I do things a bit different. If he'll come out keep giving treats by hand, if he;ll step up put him right back and give him a treat. If you have a perch or playstand put it near his cage and see if you can entice him to it but keep it close enough that he can still reach his cage. Later you can move it away where he needs you to help him get there. Remember baby steps.
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@mtdoramike - that's what I was told back in the day when I got my first amazon and he was totally relaxed with me when we were out of sight of his cage. @henpecked - Rico's really catching on to the clicker. He was really happy to see me this evening and was waiting for his treats. It seemed like he waited until I clicked the clicker before he actually took the treat so I really think he relates the sound to his "permission" to take it. I'm going to move on to the target tomorrow and see how he does. I tried the target stick last weekend but he didn't seem too curious about it so I hope he goes for it this next time. I'm really excited about how relaxed and happy he seems now. Yes, I don't think it'll take TWO YEARS! Once he's out of the cage I'll take some pics so you guys can see how cute he is! :)
Welcome to wacky world of Amazon ownership! Your life will never be the same lol!
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@ynamomma - I know exactly what you mean. I've been an amazon owner for 24 years. My previous Amazon, was a yellownape and what a character he was. I lost him in June to a very unfortunate incident and I miss his antics and personality so much. I know I can't replace him but this new little OWA is so sweet I'm sure he'll win my heart just as much - actually he already has - along with everyone else in the home. Ziggy my YNA was only nice to me but he was very very funny when others were around and he was quite the performer who loved an audience. Rico seems to like the attention just as much so I hope he gets confident enough with us so that I can take him out and give him the hugs and scratches he deserves. Your pair of YNAs are beautiful. YNs are my favorite of all the amazons but I think I'm starting to have a new favorite....;)

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