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Quick update

A couple days ago Lily hop down from her cage which isn't terribly high but it's still wasn't graceful as she is featherless. She walked out to the living room where everybody was and allowed my wife to pick her up. Hung out for a little while letting my wife scratch her head and pet her back. Since then I put a rope from the cage to the floor in case she wants to get down more gracefully. She also does not lunge at me anymore and allows my wife to give her scratches when she's in the cage or on the cage.

As far as food goes we're still working on it. She seems to be hit-and-miss still. She likes dried bananas but not fresh bananas, not big on pineapple, grapes, or oranges. She also likes spaghetti, chicken, steak, and yogurt.

On a bad note I think she still plucked slightly. She was up to three little tail pin feathers and is now down to one. But it seems like she's leaving her wings alone. Still hoping this ends at some point I know it's a process but I feel bad that you can't really get around outside of in her cage too well.
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On a sour note, I tried the stick to pick her up and it was a disaster. Once it was close enough for her to step up she screamed bloody murder and almost fell off the cage to get away. The stick isn't new or anything. It was the original dowel that was in the cage at first.
Now the problem is, she hates(and I mean hates) me. Any time I'm near the cage she goes after me. I use to be able to give her treats like dried bananas or new toys, but now she lunges at me, and if she does get whatever I had, she throws it.

I'm just at a loss now, because my wife is scared from the get go of being bit, and I use to have the confidence to put my hand near her to see if she'd step up, but now nope.

Is this another takes time thing, or am I now branded the enemy? I donno.

You've had a set back, but it's ok. They seem to hold grudges. Finnegan got an aloe spray and towel dry yesterday which he hates (he's a plucker) and a few hours later he lunged at me when I walked by his cage. I've had him his whole life (he's 10). He also throws things when he's mad, or just playing. If the treat is good enough it doesn't matter how mad he is, he'll take it. Do a mini reset and just talk to her, don't try to get her to do anything she doesn't want. Get her looking forward to interactions with bribery. Have some plain baked chicken cubed or little cheese cubes handy, mine can't resist chicken or cheese. Approach slowly and watch the body language. If she backs away just set the treat down and back up far enough that she relaxes or leave the room. All you're trying to accomplish is that you = good feelings. It will get easier!
You've had a set back, but it's ok. They seem to hold grudges. Finnegan got an aloe spray and towel dry yesterday which he hates (he's a plucker) and a few hours later he lunged at me when I walked by his cage. I've had him his whole life (he's 10). He also throws things when he's mad, or just playing. If the treat is good enough it doesn't matter how mad he is, he'll take it. Do a mini reset and just talk to her, don't try to get her to do anything she doesn't want. Get her looking forward to interactions with bribery. Have some plain baked chicken cubed or little cheese cubes handy, mine can't resist chicken or cheese. Approach slowly and watch the body language. If she backs away just set the treat down and back up far enough that she relaxes or leave the room. All you're trying to accomplish is that you = good feelings. It will get easier!

She has sort of calmed down around me. The treats (walnuts and dried bananas) make it so she doesn't lunge at me for now. She also still does not like getting listed, but it needs to be done because she's naked.

Hopefully we get there in time.

Checking in, how are things going w/ Lily? Update please. :)

Hi Tami,
I don’t want too get off topic but I can’t believe how beautiful your Congo is mine just turned a year a few days ago and now is talking it’s awesome. I couldn’t help but notice how prominent your Congo’s white is around his eyes mine is getting more prominent now.

Checking in, how are things going w/ Lily? Update please. :)

Hi Tami,
I don’t want too get off topic but I can’t believe how beautiful your Congo is mine just turned a year a few days ago and now is talking it’s awesome. I couldn’t help but notice how prominent your Congo’s white is around his eyes mine is getting more prominent now.

Hi Cas27,

Ahhh ... Thank you so much!! :heart: Did you see his album on my page? If not, here is a link
He is a beauty, but I am a tad biased of course ... ha :D
Do you have pix posted? I'd love to see your Grey.
I think you're a hero.

You certainly are to this bird!

Checking in, how are things going w/ Lily? Update please. :)

Hi Tami,
I don’t want too get off topic but I can’t believe how beautiful your Congo is mine just turned a year a few days ago and now is talking it’s awesome. I couldn’t help but notice how prominent your Congo’s white is around his eyes mine is getting more prominent now.

Hi Cas27,

Ahhh ... Thank you so much!! :heart: Did you see his album on my page? If not, here is a link
He is a beauty, but I am a tad biased of course ... ha :D
Do you have pix posted? I'd love to see your Grey.
No Tami I’m not real savvy with computer stuff I’m on an I pad maybe I can get my wife too help me.
FeddyCheeks - have you read this?

If not you should, very educational indeed. :smile049:

Yes I read this. I also had my wife read it as well. I should probably reread it.

Just another update.

She is starting to get some feathers and not pluck. :D there's about 3 tail feathers and a couple of long wing feathers. I am super excited with this development as I feel she's not to stressed here or lonely.
Just another big milestone (to us). Chicken Lily stepped up off the cage for my wife. Wife gave her praise and a treat, so fingers crossed.

Just another big milestone (to us). Chicken Lily stepped up off the cage for my wife. Wife gave her praise and a treat, so fingers crossed.


Now it's a more common occurrence.

Also yesterday she was being very chatty and making all these new noises we didn't know she knew. She sneezed, she did a bunch of goofy lasers, and she even said pretty bird which we didn't know if she knew.
Just a little update. So she is officially my wife’s bird. Tagged me twice so far so I just don’t put my hands near here anymore.

But now for the real update. She is a lot more comfortable now. She now goes on rants of different whistles and noises, then we found out she knows some words. First it was pretty bird, then I love you, laughs, etc. then tonight on her rant we found out it knows some more colorful words. The worst part was she makes a laugh sound afterwards witch makes us laugh.

Other than that her body feathers are coming back but she is still barbering her longer feathers, like her tail and wings. Hopefully she decides to stop doing that as well, but we’ll take her leaving her small feathers alone as a good sign.

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