New parrot owner, I need advice please!

Right - untreated cut offs of 2x4s of what is known as clear pine ( no knots). No plywood (because of the glue), only solid woods. Macaw toys are crazy expensive - local PS sells most for around $30 ea!! Even if you buy a 12 ft piece of 2X4 and have them cut into 6-8" pieces, gotta be cheaper than that.
To lessen screaming, first we adress the whole parrot, cage, time out of cage, diet, activities.

If we don't meet those needs first its very difficult to curb screaming . Infact most behavior issues arise from one or all of these factors.

It's so much we are all throwing at you at once, lol a crash course!!! You are being amazingly receptive and eager to learn.

On diet, its best to go slow and watch weight. A digital kitchen scale works for most of us. Some burds will starve themselves or only eat small amount and drop weight quickly.

There are guides out there and different ways to try. For me , at first I don't limit whatever they were eating. I just add everything I want them to eat, offered in different dishes. And I fund they explore veggies better out of the cage sbd offered spread out in shallow dishes, or hung up like kabobs, they sell parrot burd skewers fir veggies. This dangling of veggies at head height really gets mine attention and chomps.

Haha yeah, definitely a crash course! I've never had any experience macaws so I do sincerely appreciate all the articles and information. She's quite picky, or when she eats something she drops it on the floor once me or someone else walks away. I do definitely want to look into different veggies to better her diet, I just want her to be happy and healthy!
Right - untreated cut offs of 2x4s of what is known as clear pine ( no knots). No plywood (because of the glue), only solid woods. Macaw toys are crazy expensive - local PS sells most for around $30 ea!! Even if you buy a 12 ft piece of 2X4 and have them cut into 6-8" pieces, gotta be cheaper than that.
Ah okay! Do all Home Depots or DIY stores give away scraps? I live near a tractor supply store, i'm not sure if they do the same.
I would definitely recommend a healthier pellet/chop diet with some seeds, as stated above. Kaytee in particular can be very unhealthy.
Do you know any good recommendations? I normally go to Petco but if I have to order online, I don't mind.
Do you know any good recommendations? I normally go to Petco but if I have to order online, I don't mind.
Pellet brands: Harrison’s, Roudybush, Top’s…they have to be organic and natural, without dyes or added sugar.
Chop, you can just make. It’s much easier with a food processor.
Ah okay! Do all Home Depots or DIY stores give away scraps? I live near a tractor supply store, i'm not sure if they do the same.
Never hurts to ask. Like I said, leaven the request with a nice pic of your Macaw they can hang up and boast about.
Thank you so much for the articles and thread! My grandparents and I occasionally struggle finding good toys for her, especially since she tears through them very quickly. Very much appreciated!
Sounds like you have a macaw who needs some help becoming more comfortable and happy, Macaws love and thrive on drama so don't give for behaviours you no longer want! Sounds like the toys given are either not stimulating or suitable so I suggest seriously nutz, it is the best macaw toy store I have found yet and so far the only one I would recommend!

Screaming needs to be ignored totally- no reaction to it such as dirty looks, slamming doors, screaming back or even telling them no- you simply can't hear it or you quietly and calmly leave when the sound gets too loud and come back when it is at a tolerable level- always acknowledge wanted behaviours and do not react to unwanted!
Have you considered reading some decent training/behaviour modification articles by some good (actually qualified and certified to teach/train animal behaviour modification techniques- not youtube stars) behaviourists like Barbra Heinenreich or Pamela Clarke?
Many of us (without meaning to) reinforce poor or unwanted behaviours- Just by changing how I react to my birds I can have my B&G and SC2 screaming like mad to the point that the neighbours would complain and my ears would hurt or I can have peace and quiet with an occasional acceptable length of bird calling- screaming now and then is natural and normal but non stop or regular screaming is not acceptable for any bird as many loose their home because of this behaviour. We must allow for reasonable amounts of noise when owning a parrot but we do not have to allow screaming non stop.
Sounds like you have a macaw who needs some help becoming more comfortable and happy, Macaws love and thrive on drama so don't give for behaviours you no longer want! Sounds like the toys given are either not stimulating or suitable so I suggest seriously nutz, it is the best macaw toy store I have found yet and so far the only one I would recommend!

Screaming needs to be ignored totally- no reaction to it such as dirty looks, slamming doors, screaming back or even telling them no- you simply can't hear it or you quietly and calmly leave when the sound gets too loud and come back when it is at a tolerable level- always acknowledge wanted behaviours and do not react to unwanted!
Have you considered reading some decent training/behaviour modification articles by some good (actually qualified and certified to teach/train animal behaviour modification techniques- not youtube stars) behaviourists like Barbra Heinenreich or Pamela Clarke?
Many of us (without meaning to) reinforce poor or unwanted behaviours- Just by changing how I react to my birds I can have my B&G and SC2 screaming like mad to the point that the neighbours would complain and my ears would hurt or I can have peace and quiet with an occasional acceptable length of bird calling- screaming now and then is natural and normal but non stop or regular screaming is not acceptable for any bird as many loose their home because of this behaviour. We must allow for reasonable amounts of noise when owning a parrot but we do not have to allow screaming non stop.
Ooh, I'll look into the toys and see which one would be suitable! It'll be quite difficult to ignore her when she's screaming, but both me and my grandparents will put an effort to try. Her screaming is actually the main reason her previous owner decided to get rid of her, so I'm hoping over time her screaming will lessen and she'll be around for a very long time! I'll look into some articles, thank you!

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