To lessen screaming, first we adress the whole parrot, cage, time out of cage, diet, activities.
If we don't meet those needs first its very difficult to curb screaming . Infact most behavior issues arise from one or all of these factors.
It's so much we are all throwing at you at once, lol a crash course!!! You are being amazingly receptive and eager to learn.
On diet, its best to go slow and watch weight. A digital kitchen scale works for most of us. Some burds will starve themselves or only eat small amount and drop weight quickly.
There are guides out there and different ways to try. For me , at first I don't limit whatever they were eating. I just add everything I want them to eat, offered in different dishes. And I fund they explore veggies better out of the cage sbd offered spread out in shallow dishes, or hung up like kabobs, they sell parrot burd skewers fir veggies. This dangling of veggies at head height really gets mine attention and chomps.
So you know the three essential, but ultimately simple, skills for feeding your pet birds – chop, grain bakes, and sprouts. You feed a pellet base (or maybe not, depending on your views), and…