New Member-Prayers and good energy needed

Wow, sounds like you got her just in time!!!!! Did you ever get a Dx? I'll be thinking good thoughts, I just found this thread, but it sounds as if the antibiotics got into her system in time to beat the bacteria down!
OMG OMG I was waiting for an update! She looks AMAZING!!! Hum, so do we know for sure that she is a she?
Wow, what a great recovery! :) She's beautiful!
Thank you all so much! We have an appointment to go back to the vet for the 30th. Then we should be able to do a DNA to determine if she is a she or a he.:cool:
Bless you for your unselfish deed
She looks much better already, and sounds happy as well
In my thoughts and prayers
Thank you Antoinette. She is a sweet and happy, chatty little bird now. I have a couple new videos I have taken of her. Watching her take her first bath was a joy!
what a gorgeous bird! you did a wonderful thing rescuing her :). its so good to see she's recovering, she will only get better :D
Yay! I'm so glad she's doing so well!
She is so beautiful and looking so healthy and happy now! :)
Thanks everyone! Here is our video from yesterday.:cool:
[ame=""]Yuna The Hawkhead Visits - YouTube[/ame]
Yuna continues to get well! She turned two years old on the 5th!:cool: We had a good report after a second visit to the vet's, that her white blood cell count has dropped back to normal range! She also gained over 24 gms!
Her she was enjoying her hatchday..:D
Yea, for Yuna! Cute silly photo. : ) I love the sun glasses.
Thank you Sonja! DNA test has confirmed Yuna is a girl!:2_smile:
Ransom- I love that term. Pets are people too, so sad CL has become a haven for that type of what I feel is abuse. Animals love and bond with us just like people.
Your a hero for paying the ransom and saving Yuna's life ! She will be in my prayers
I am pleased to hear she is doung well:) She is adorable. Love the Glasses :)

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