New member, new quaker(?)


New member
Apr 28, 2015
at least I think he/she is the colours on both this one and the yellow one my friend is picking up tomorrow are very unusual. You can't see his lovely grey bib properly in this picture but this is my blue


Also have two (male) budgies, a canary and a white finch with a beatles haircut. Four smaller birds are all in together and have paired up, quaker(?) is on his/her own in a different room because I read that the budgies and said parrot have a tendency to have noise off.

As for me, I live in derbyshire with my medic partner and two children and am a carer for my son who has severe autism with severe learning difficulties - he's also the happiest kid in the word, tiny things make him happy, like a new F1 or wresting game or sitting watching the birds like they are television- which is something I can also relate to :)
Hello and Welcome to the forum!

Not a quaker, but a real little cutie!
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Thank you, where we are it's really hard to find a medium sized bird, both of them still have baby fluff so it's been really hard to tell, all I knew was that Blue wasn't a cockatoo like she thought in the shop (very reputable independent, I know their budgie breeder and he lives for his birds) but if the owner isn't in then the shop assistant has no idea what things are called.

I'll post better pictures of the pair of them later, yellow one is reserved for karen (claim to fame, owner of worlds largest ever corn snake, should be in the record books next edition) , we are both picking it up and then I'm bird sitting till she is finished work.
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We have an answer they are grass Parakeet/red rump parrots, colours on the yellow one aren't so yellow, she has red, blue, aqua, green and yellow in her, fabulous bird. Just ordered a play perch so he can come out on friday when he's settled.

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