New Member Beekersmom


New member
Aug 16, 2012
Largo Florida
two 'tiels both boys, Punkie 4 and Rocky, 3. A one year old green cheek, male named Beeker (rules the house lol), A Senegal about 9 months named Baby, sex undetermined, and a male blue fronted Amazon
Beeker and I Just want to give a shout to all the other gcc's and let you all know that we are happy to be part of this forum. Beeker came to our home at 20 weeks old. He is now a year as of July 24th. He is sooo funny! I really think someone stuffed a giant gorrilla in that little green body:p. When Simon, my 24lb kitty gets too close to me while Beeker is out, Beeker tries to have a go at him hehe. Simon is a good kitty, even though he is our youngest, at 6 years old. He just lays behind my head and watches the birds play on their playgyms. Beeker has such a large personality, a bit nippy, but just in play mode. Otherwise a real sweetie:D
Welcome to the forum! Beeker sounds adorable. =)
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simon was a shelter kitty. He looks like a tux cat so simon seemed to fit so we never changed his name. Beeker has to be monitored all the time as the little guy is so active:rolleyes:I had the Amazon out yesterday(in travel cage) so he could get used to the activities in the family room and before I knew it Beeker was on top of Willys cage! Thank goodness in this case that Willy has one bad eye and didn't see him before I did. He wanted to check out the big bird that mommy was talking to. I took him off the cage told him willy didn't want to play and got him interested in his grooming toy. what a charactor! He gets along fine on the same playgym as the tiels but can't put him on the same one as the Senegal, they don't get along at all.
I really think someone stuffed a giant gorrilla in that little green body:p.

You know, you might have something there. Maybe parrots are transdimensional beings and they are really quite a lot larger in the alternate dimension. It would explain a lot! LOL.

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