New Indian Ringneck owner


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Sep 4, 2023
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Indian ringneck
Hi we just adopted a 4 month old hand fed Indian ringneck.
When we first got he she would step up now she does but Flys around as soon as we take her out of her cage.
Her wings are clipped so she can't go far but we are wanting to bond with her and gain her trust which is difficult when she keeps doing this we have treats and training snacks but nothing really helps.
We have experience with macaws and never had this problem, is it because she's a smaller parrot?
We should also say she's is on a cage big enought for a macaw with lots of toys perches and swings.
Is the cage too big for her or is this still part of her adjusting to a new home and cage ?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hi we just adopted a 4 month old hand fed Indian ringneck.
When we first got he she would step up now she does but Flys around as soon as we take her out of her cage.
Her wings are clipped so she can't go far but we are wanting to bond with her and gain her trust which is difficult when she keeps doing this we have treats and training snacks but nothing really helps.
We have experience with macaws and never had this problem, is it because she's a smaller parrot?
We should also say she's is on a cage big enought for a macaw with lots of toys perches and swings.
Is the cage too big for her or is this still part of her adjusting to a new home and cage ?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
My Ringneck is 6 months old, had him since 2 months old. I would say he is probably just adjusting to their new cage and home. It could take a week, 2 weeks, or a month. Just give it time and be patient. Talk to him, offer treats, include him in on things.
Agreed, it takes time, a lot of patience and perseverance.

Make sure the cage bars are not too widely spaced. For IRN, should be 1/2" to 5/8"
I have an Indian Ringneck and a Quaker Parrot, but recently I acquired another Ringneck, he is very sweet but he will not step up to my hand, he fly away every time i put my hand near him, he is around me all the time and my other 2 birds, in the mornings I open the cage and they fly to the kitchen to eat their chop, I get very close to him, kiss him in the beak go over him to reach for whatever i need on the counter it don’t seems to bother him but the minute i place my hand close to him he fly to his cage and then he fly back to the kitchen, So what I have been doing is get close to him and talks to him softly and kiss him and dont try to put my hand out near him, I am waiting for him to feel confortable. It has been 2 months and still working with him to fully trust me.

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