New Green Cheek Conure color question


New member
May 4, 2024
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I have two Cockatiels, one Green cheek conure and one budgie.
Hi, I just got my new GCC baby and I am thinking of names for them, at first I thought they were a cinnamon turquoise and I heard cinnamons are more likely to be female than male, but when I saw them in person I thought they looked more like a turquoise pineapple. I'm not good with GCC mutations, can you guys help me out? Are pineapples more likely to be girls or boys, I'll probably just pick a unisex name, so I'd love name suggestions! Right now I have Olive, Twix and Matcha as options
Thank you!


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Hi, I just got my new GCC baby and I am thinking of names for them, at first I thought they were a cinnamon turquoise and I heard cinnamons are more likely to be female than male, but when I saw them in person I thought they looked more like a turquoise pineapple. I'm not good with GCC mutations, can you guys help me out? Are pineapples more likely to be girls or boys, I'll probably just pick a unisex name, so I'd love name suggestions! Right now I have Olive, Twix and Matcha as options
Thank you!
They are so adorable we named ours unisex names some examples Cricket, Jellybean, Kiwi, Chicklet, Peepers, Twinkie, Gismo. Enjoy your babies. Some of ours talk , Give me a kiss is their favorite saying.
They are so adorable we named ours unisex names some examples Cricket, Jellybean, Kiwi, Chicklet, Peepers, Twinkie, Gismo. Enjoy your babies. Some of ours talk , Give me a kiss is their favorite saying.
Thank you, those are great names!

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