Having been given the all clear on health our little Eclectus will have a Macaw buddy joining him in August!!
I must be mad but have agreed a deposit, even before the eggs have arrived!!
I've made the decision to choose a baby from a very well regarded UK breeder, the choice will be between a B&G or a Greening. Either work for me but any additional insight you guys can give would be hugely appreciated
We need our new friend to be confident, happy around different people and accepting of dogs, cat, pigs, tortoise and Harry (our Eclectus) I believe either breed of Macaw mentioned above would fit the bill, but do shout if you feel otherwise
All very exciting and still plenty of time for Harry, to blossom and grow, he's two and suffered a very poor start in life but gradually coming out of himself and looking marginally better, although still very poor plumage sadly
I must be mad but have agreed a deposit, even before the eggs have arrived!!
I've made the decision to choose a baby from a very well regarded UK breeder, the choice will be between a B&G or a Greening. Either work for me but any additional insight you guys can give would be hugely appreciated
We need our new friend to be confident, happy around different people and accepting of dogs, cat, pigs, tortoise and Harry (our Eclectus) I believe either breed of Macaw mentioned above would fit the bill, but do shout if you feel otherwise
All very exciting and still plenty of time for Harry, to blossom and grow, he's two and suffered a very poor start in life but gradually coming out of himself and looking marginally better, although still very poor plumage sadly