New conures

One last post lol...
I wanted to say I love your green cheeks colors, such a sweet precious face!

Suns are so fun to watch color develop ! They are so eye popping

And love how they were preening and cuddling

Second Terry...and love her name offering @@
You got them. Congratulations!!!! They both are very cute, and adorable. Be prepared for some holes in the shirts.
Landon ( land on, hee hee)
Hartford ( Heartford)

Just having fun
Waiting for you to wake up and share baby pics

I guess I don't have to recall train. I put them in the downstairs cage and......they aren't good flyers yet but they can make the 24 inches from the cage to my chair.

I actually can't keep them in the cage unless I close the door........PERFECT!


The first three were last night, They've been sitting like this for the last hour dozing on me. You can see scuti playing with budgies in the background and my UV bulb in the ceiling lol.

They've been ignoring the bowl so I got them a strawberry and they took to that like it was candy. I gave them some millet. Once they are up again I'll reintroduce the mix the shop owner had them on.

One minute later...ok they woke up from the typing and are back in the cage. They need to learn how to get around in a cage they never had to before.
Sir.....a little help please?

The pictures don't do the struggle justice....

And......starting to think they are too bonded...they figured out theres an open door on the side of the cage not facing me and....back on my shoulders. That's ok, fortunately this is familiar territory for me.

They are getting good at the short 3-4 foot flights.
Oh to all the people in Minneapolis, might a bit of a drive for you not so much for me, but my certified AVN is awesome at the Watertown veterinary clinic. For me it's just a short jump south but not an unreasonable drive from the twin cities.
strawberry time......yes the rest of the flock gets also......

They are young little ones!

At least 4 breaks a day for food. It's a great time to offer leafy greens and veggies!!! They will explore and follow your lead. For such young ones chop everything to about pea size. You can have them eating healthy like a breeze fight now.

I'm in love, such adorable babies! They love you and chose you . So great with you on day one!

I'm calling em Sprite and Zolty. Till you love had them longer, found out sex, had time to play and research names and personality
well apple time!

i have some caloflour and broccoli too
um this apple just got destroyed more than half gone......i don't think it will stop till I lose fingernails......
Ok enough sugar dad! Can you cook and offer some quinoa, or even a little boiled egg, some cooked lentils? Get those growing babies a little protein
poor apple...

Baby conures first apple


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