New Cockatiel!


New member
Oct 20, 2013
Cockatiel by the name of Django.
Greetings all! Just looking for some advice on my new addition.
Yesterday I purchased a ten week old cockatiel. He has been hand reared and is quite a chirpy little dude. Ive made sure to set up his cage with plenty of safe and colourful toys.
He has had a mooch around his cage and seems to be pretty content, eating and squawking so loudly the neighbours must think we have some kind of eagle.
Just wondering about time scales for hand feeding and opening the cage etc. Ive always had budgies but hes a completely different kettle of fish!
I have so far just been sitting by the cage, whistling at him and repeating his name, Django for anyone who is interested!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :white1:
Welcome to the forum!!!

He (or she) may enjoy being hand fed with millet! Either offer millet (sprig of millet) through the cage bars or right at the front door and allow him to come over and nibble off it!
Ah! I love the 'tiels! I agree, having some millet to eat from you might give ya some bonding time. It already sounds like you're doing so much of the right stuff for your new family member!

I recommend checking out the Recipe and Do-it-Yourself forums for other fun ideas of how to bond with your fella. I love making toys, perches, and have a wicked killer awesome bird-bread recipe. My Cockatiels loved corn on the cob (the little nibblers) I'd set one up on their play stand and they'd take turns standing on it and eating it.. haha!

Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you around!
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Thanks guys! Ive tried him with it a couple of times today, I'm just going to keep at it and be patient! Not sure if he deserves it though after waking me up at 7am on a Sunday squawking the place down! Haha!

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