New CAG Mom =)


New member
Aug 14, 2011
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1 Parrot and 2 Parakeets
I have a CAG who's approx 10 weeks. It will be comming home soon, within a week or two, and I need some advice.

The breeder has him on Roudybush, and I want to reduce his stress as much as possible (ie: same food) However I hear that Harrison's is the "best" out there along with Roudybush, but the Hi Po formula (which is reccomended for him) that Harrison's has, lists sunflower seeds as the main ingredient. I've heard/read alot of negative things over the months towards feeding birds sunflower seeds due to the fat, however fat= energy.

he will also be sexed soon, so I need name advice, for a boy I like Merlin and Dexter, for a girl i'm set on Willow. My friends like Merlin the best. What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance for your help!:)
Dexter, love love love that. Reminds me of the program here in the UK (might be in the US too :))

I think Willow is really lovely for a girl too, sounds strong and sturdy but a gentle name. Which makes me think of a CAG/TAG anyway! :D

Pics asap btw!

I'd suggest keeping him on the food he's on whilst he adjusts to everything else in the house and then slowly changing him to harrissons. Means that you can speak to your vet, do enough research about the food yourself, without stressing out your new CAG and he can keep on eating what he does.

That's what I'd do anyway!
Thanks again!,

yeah i've been doing tons of reasearch on lists of ingredients. I'm definatley going to keep him on RB to get him settled, I just wonder if i should even switch him at all. If i do, it will be gradually of course.

I've already got my vet picked out and all. I've even asked my breeder the same thing, and he said he never even heard of Harrison's :11:

I love the show Dexter, but I like the idea of Merlin (history/majestic sword blah blah)

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