New budgie owner with sick bird


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2022
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24 hours ago my 4-5 month old budgie was vomiting nearly undigested seeds and was listless and lethargic. At first I thought she was choking because not much would come out. I called the emergency vet nearby and they said that if she was stable and the vomitting had subsided I did not need to bring her in for an emergency appointment. Fortunately, the vomiting subsided fairly quickly.

As of this morning she is just about back to her normal, happy curious self EXCEPT there was yellow poop in her cage when I uncovered her this morning and her poop is now a dark green with white urate.

She will barely touch her seed mix (she refuses to try anything new yet as she is a fairly new budgie). I put a sprig of millet in her cage to get her to eat something and she went to town on it, so I removed it so she didn’t over eat. I also put a drop or 2 of pedialyte jn her water. I spoke with a more local avian vet’s office today and they said that as long as she has stopped vomiting that I did not need to take her for an emergency appointment today. I made the next available appointment with this avian vet (Friday), hoping for a cancellation. In the meantime, does anyone know what I can offer my sweet budgie girl so she’s not just eating millet until Friday?
That is very scary! Really glad to hear it's stopped.

Could any chemicals have been on your hands? ( dog you have dogs or cats you apply topical flea treatment too? ) Anything she got into?

I would not limit her per my avian vet , sick birds get whatever they will eat ( except lots if sugary stuff like fruit, as can make vomiting and diarrhea worse)

I wouldn't limit her millet at all. She isn't going to over eat. Birds have very limited reserves.

Try and keep your home warmer. Keep her away from drafts.
Basic sick bird info. Warmth is very helpful . But I never recommend using a heat lamp.

K & h sells a cage warmer. I use and recommend the sweeter heater as found on Amazon, smallest one and be sure not to over heat may need to be set back from cage. Is a little expensive, but a good investment in my mind. But k and h one works is less expensive.

You can buy egg food, its kinda like crumbles or powder . and offer. Check for smell or discoloration as spoils quickly. Offer in separate dish. Offer treat sticks for budgies they are fortified. Try hanging a leaf if romaine, often they will nibble good source if vitamin A. Get nutri berries and crumble up, they are made from seeds and pellets, mine like will eat

That is very scary! Really glad to hear it's stopped.

Could any chemicals have been on your hands? ( dog you have dogs or cats you apply topical flea treatment too? ) Anything she got into?

I would not limit her per my avian vet , sick birds get whatever they will eat ( except lots if sugary stuff like fruit, as can make vomiting and diarrhea worse)

I wouldn't limit her millet at all. She isn't going to over eat. Birds have very limited reserves.

Try and keep your home warmer. Keep her away from drafts.
Hi Laurasea - thank you so much for your response! I can’t even tell you how comforting it is to get such a quick response.

The only thing I can think of that might be considered a toxin is a bird safe cage cleaner I used on one of her wooden platforms. Once I got the bird poop off with the cleaner I rinsed it very thoroughly with water and then let it air dry for quite a few days before putting it back in her cage yesterday. Sometimes she does chew on the wooden platforms though. Could that be it?

I also had a bird safe shredding toy in her cage and I caught her actually eating the paper shreds while playing with it today. Could that have caused something?

I’ve put the millet back in the cage for the night and will cover her soon for bedtime. Any other tips? Is the pedialyte in the water ok?
Its possible the cleaner. For my piece of mind i toss it.. i use dilute vinegar in cold water ( never hot as then off gasses aren't safe) it breaks down dried poop and stuff great. Then I wipe off with plain water then dry. Or I use dawn dish soap to clean stuff, rinse very well.

Eating paper is ok from bird safe toys. But I can tell you I've heard several stories of new toys added and birds getting sick....possible from exposure to chemicals....some toys really don't come from safe places....or was that coincidence?? I don't know as these are just stories I've read....but I believe its possible perhaps a warehouse was treated for roaches or something while toys were stored there..

It's possible the wooden platform was made from treated wood? Getting wet and her chewing exposed her?

Too me this seems like a toxic exposure or chemical toxicity....but it could be anything. I'm just trying to offer my ideas

Also check seeds , and the millet spray for musty smell, powder mildew.. discoloration ..because some spoiled seeds can also cause toxins.

Make sure you aren't using any non stick cookware.

Do not add vitamin to water, they spoil, can overdose them cause vitamin toxicity.

Pedilyte..its ok... but I don't do this. You can offer an apple slice. Once they are eating abd drinking they re balance their electrolytes quickly on their own.

You can offer a dab of Greek yogurt, no artificial sweetners. My budgies eat it fine . I use it even i have sick burds, or share randomly when I'm eating some. You do not have to do this . I'm just sharing everything I can and that I do.

Because it has there anyone else who lives with you, that may have tried to harm them? We have had the horror of room mates and even spouses, neighbors ...harming burds....

Have you used lysol...or anything near the bird?
Yellow can be from dehydration. Green happens after they haven't been eating . But also both can be a sign of illness. They make it tricky dont they?

But the best sign ever is that she is eating again. If poops look normal tomorrow. Then I'd think its as i first said, dehydration, and fasting from the vomiting.

Acute vomiting and acute vomiting undigested food is very rare in birds. Especially without other symptoms. This i why I'm thinking toxicity from something.

But there is so very much I don't know !! So I don't want to steer you wrong. Your avian veterinarian is your best most important resource.

Goodluck! Keep us updated! Hopefully a full recovery! Then you can stick around with all of us parrot loving people and share happier stories
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Yellow can be from dehydration. Green happens after they haven't been eating . But also both can be a sign of illness. They make it tricky dont they?

But the best sign ever is that she is eating again. If poops look normal tomorrow. Then I'd think its as i first said, dehydration, and fasting from the vomiting.

Acute vomiting and acute vomiting undigested food is very rare in birds. Especially without other symptoms. This i why I'm thinking toxicity from something.

But there is so very much I don't know !! So I don't want to steer you wrong. Your avian veterinarian is your best most important resource.

Goodluck! Keep us updated! Hopefully a full recovery! Then you can stick around with all of us parrot loving people and share happier stories
Hello New Parrot Friends!

I’m happy to report that our little bird girl (her name is Cosette but we call her Cosi/Cozy for short) seems to have made a full recovery! Her poop is normal and she is eating up that millet like it’s her job! She was even playing with her toys today when I went over to her cage (I think she likes to show me how she plays with her toys - when I sit and talk to her near her cage she closes her eyes and puffs up and grinds her beak or she’ll play with a nearby toy looking all happy).

Laurasea - I’m taking your advice and tossing that cage cleaner. I’ve removed all of her bird seed and will be giving it a thorough inspection today. I’ve ordered the egg food (it should be arriving today). I’ve also ordered the Nutri berries. I will try to offer her an organic apple slice today to see what happens. Any ideas on the best way to present her with the new food? She is pretty fearful of new things.

As for aerosols, I make sure not to use them anywhere near her (I only use Lysol in our bathroom and sometimes bedroom behind closed doors which are both pretty far from her cage. I do use non stick cookware but I thought it was ok to use so long as you use it properly (always oil in the pan, never dry with the hood fan going). Is that not the case? Should I stop using it all together?

Lastly, the only people who have access to Cosi are my husband and me and he loves her so much. So no one here would hurt her. But I appreciate the thought and your courage to ask!


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Such wonderful news! Beautiful budgie thanks for a sweet picture of Cozy

As far as the risks with non stick cookware containing the dangerous chemicals Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
its extremely high. They do not have to reach high temps to off gass, we have had so many parrots die on this forum because of this. I think its also possibly what caused your issues....
I would not and do not , unless I had verification that didn't contain these chemicals. I just use stainless steel, cast iron , glass, and tinfoil ( instead of cookie tray) to avoid risk.

Such wonderful news! Beautiful budgie thanks for a sweet picture of Cozy

As far as the risks with non stick cookware containing the dangerous chemicals Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
its extremely high. They do not have to reach high temps to off gass, we have had so many parrots die on this forum because of this. I think its also possibly what caused your issues....
I would not and do not , unless I had verification that didn't contain these chemicals. I just use stainless steel, cast iron , glass, and tinfoil ( instead of cookie tray) to avoid risk.

Good to know, thank you for the resource!
Good to know, thank you for the resource!
Another update: Cozy seems to be getting better but today she was adjusting her crop for about one minute straight and then got sleepy, She still will only eat millet. I tried to give her some egg food with seeds and she barely touched it (she flung a lot of the seeds I put in it out of the tray though), tried giving her a piece of apple and she Wouldn’t go near it. Vet Appointment is still on Friday.

My husband and I noticed that she experiences a high level of anxiety when we have the blinds open on a window that is a few feet away from her cage. The window has a bird feeder on it on the outside so we think maybe she gets spooked by the wild birds out there. Thinking of taking it down obviously.

We’ve been keeping our apartment temperature in the mid 70s for her, but I’m wondering if anyone has a UV light for their birds? I’m concerned about the amount of light she’s not getting right now.

Also, does anyone have a recommendation for a good seed mix to add in to her regiment? She was eating Higgins Vita Seed until everything happened a few days ago.

Also, the first time you had a bird and something went wrong, did you feel like the worst bird mom in the world? 😞
the first time you had a bird and something went wrong, did you feel like the worst bird mom in the world?

I'm still new to birds so I'll leave the other questions to those more experienced, but to this I can say: YES!

The first the second the third ect@ yes
Even when everything is going right i worry I could be doing more
Wow, I’m so glad I found this forum of bird friends. 💛

As I am reading this post, Cozy took her first few nibbles of the egg food and apple mash I made her! I had to put on quite the production to get her try it… I had to pretend eat it in front of her and tell her how good it was and then leave it for her and walk away. 😂
Wow, I’m so glad I found this forum of bird friends. 💛

As I am reading this post, Cozy took her first few nibbles of the egg food and apple mash I made her! I had to put on quite the production to get her try it… I had to pretend eat it in front of her and tell her how good it was and then leave it for her and walk away. 😂
Tomorrow we will be having our first visit to the vet after this incident, finally. Cozy has been doing much better but I still want to keep the appointment just to be sure since everything I’ve been reading says that if a bird vomits, they need to see a vet.

Does anyone have suggestions on the best way to make this visit as smooth as possible? I’m having terrible visions of the poor thing being unbearably stressed out. And also any tips on how to get her into her travel cage without freaking the heck out and not having to chase her around her current cage in the process?
I’m happy to report that Cozy’s first vet appointment went well! Our little lady has a clean bill of health after a scary vomiting incident last weekend. She even got in and out of her carrier without much of a fuss. She is back home now taking a nice deep nap 🙏🏻💕
I’m happy to report that Cozy’s first vet appointment went well! Our little lady has a clean bill of health after a scary vomiting incident last weekend. She even got in and out of her carrier without much of a fuss. She is back home now taking a nice deep nap 🙏🏻💕
That's great to hear!
I’m happy to report that Cozy’s first vet appointment went well! Our little lady has a clean bill of health after a scary vomiting incident last weekend. She even got in and out of her carrier without much of a fuss. She is back home now taking a nice deep nap 🙏🏻💕
That’s so good!

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