New bird

I've heard of new budgie owners starving their bird because they thought the food dish was full when it was full of empty seed hulls!
I’ve actually dumped out twice and checked and nothing was ate, I offered millet spray and no to that as well. 😔
I have tried and she turns her beak to it. Literally. And I have pellets along with the seeds the breeder gave her, trying to transition her later to just pellets and chop
I guess she is one of the rare budgies that can resist millet, I'd try leaving it in her cage and seeing if she'll maybe come back to it later, that's what I did for a while like I've said before, it might take her a while to adjust, and for her to locate her food, make sure its in a easy to find spot and not hidden or anything and I don't know if you have dole rods as perches in her cage or not, but thoose aren't very good for their little feet and can cause bumble foot, and we don't want that. Multiple perches are good, and make sure there are no huts or anything that she could lay eggs in, and I wouldn't reccomend a mirror either

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