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Mar 3, 2025
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Getting a cockatiel
Hi! So we just got a female parakeet two days ago and she still hasn’t ate, at what point should I be worried?? She did come from a breeder and I’m using the food that was suggested and she was eating


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Kepp watching. You may not see it. Look for food on the cage liner, that meens she is eating.
She's a cutie! Are you planning on letting her out of her cage to fly? Are you going to try to tame her to be friendly? A single budgie in a cage by themselves is a sad lonely budgie. Do you have any other budgies?
Yeah millet is like crack, you can get it in any basic pet shop. Donna is right on that.

Also if it's just seeds Budgies swallow the whole seed, you won't see a lot of husks if any. So it might be eating fine you just don't notice the evidence of it.

Also look for poop, if you see poop it's eating, no poop, then worry. But if there's poop it's fine.
Hi! So we just got a female parakeet two days ago and she still hasn’t ate, at what point should I be worried?? She did come from a breeder and I’m using the food that was suggested and she was eating
so I got Pilot a month ago and I was worried about the same thing, at first they will be timid and probably wont eat around you, but soon enough they will let you see them eat, they just need time to adjust, I remember when my girl Pilot ate in front of me for the first time I was super happy. Also it might also appear that she isn't eating water, but since they don't need tons of water, you may not see them drink right away. What is your budgies name if I'm allowed to ask.
God D***it Cali&Piloit is so right....what is the name Adw24? WE MUST KNOW!
Yeah millet is like crack, you can get it in any basic pet shop. Donna is right on that.

Also if it's just seeds Budgies swallow the whole seed, you won't see a lot of husks if any. So it might be eating fine you just don't notice the evidence of it.

Also look for poop, if you see poop it's eating, no poop, then worry. But if there's poop it's fine.
Budgies don't swallow the whole seed, they hull it first, that's why the vets say they don't need grit. I have seed hulls everywhere to prove it!
maybe we talking different seeds mine just swallow and vomit up as they feed the womens,,,,,,I dunno they seem to take the millet and seeds whole. I'd look for poop.
You have lazy budgies (ha ha) if they don't bother to shell their seed! Seriously, don't you have seed shells everywhere?
No they actually trade very ugly sloppy spit of the seeds back and forth. Maybe they cast them out otherwise or eat the whole thing..... Anyways I'd look for poop.
They are seeds the size of millet balls which they also eat whole give me time tomorrow I can video it, It's not real seeds it's the tiny type. Micro size if you will.
I've heard of new budgie owners starving their bird because they thought the food dish was full when it was full of empty seed hulls!
The others have provided good advice. I have nothing to add, except that your baby sounds like an absolute delight. Congrats!

and yeah... a lot of birds won't eat as much the first few days. I was worried my one cockatiel a few years back wasn't eating. Then at the end of day 2, he was munching his nutriberries. I could have thrown a party I was so ecstatic, LOL!
I've heard of new budgie owners starving their bird because they thought the food dish was full when it was full of empty seed hulls!
yeh I look at pilots food bowl every day to see if she has seeds in it still or not, and to check for poop because she likes to sit in her bowl to eat, but its all good, but yeh that's crazy especially because its not that hard to tell when they are just shells
She's a cutie! Are you planning on letting her out of her cage to fly? Are you going to try to tame her to be friendly? A single budgie in a cage by themselves is a sad lonely budgie. Do you have any other budgies?
She’s already friendly and is only in the cage at night, she’s quarantined right now because she’s new and I have a cockatiel. But she won’t lack attention, she was the only one left from the breeder but I’m looking into anything and everything I can to provide her the best possible life
Yeah millet is like crack, you can get it in any basic pet shop. Donna is right on that.

Also if it's just seeds Budgies swallow the whole seed, you won't see a lot of husks if any. So it might be eating fine you just don't notice the evidence of it.

Also look for poop, if you see poop it's eating, no poop, then worry. But if there's poop it's fine.
Two days, only one pooo!
What are you feeding her? You should try spray millet to get her to eat. Few budgies can resist it.
I have tried and she turns her beak to it. Literally. And I have pellets along with the seeds the breeder gave her, trying to transition her later to just pellets and chop

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