New Bird Owner. Stomach Noises and plastic?


New member
Jul 16, 2023
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Plum Headed parakeet, canary winged parakeet.
Last night I completely forgot to close the container to my birds food and this morning I woke up to my plum headed parakeet taking chunks out of the plastic bag and it looks like he had ingested some. I looked everywhere and only found a few small pieces around and in the bag. Because of this Ive been watching him very closely and he is eating fine and flying around like normal but just now his stomach growled really loudly(so loudly it scared me). I have no idea if this is normal or if I should take him to the vet just to be safe. His poop looks normal for now but I will keep monitoring him closely. It could also be because he had a large piece of chili pepper today so I don't now if that could have affected his stomach. Does anyone have any info on if the peppers could have upset his stomach and if I should be worried about the plastic causing a blockage?
I have zero memory of ever hearing any of our Amazons' stomach being noisy.

You have likely hear that what goes in one end comes out the others and that is as true for Parrots as it is for us Humans. However, what we eat today, commonly shows up tomorrow or the next day. With Parrots it is all fast tracked in what they eat now shows up just a few hours later or quicker! So backtrack time and it should have appeared by now!

FYI: When buying dry food, Freeze it for a bare minimum two weeks, we prefer 30 days. Keeping the container in the refrigerator after freezing. That practice will help with the bird helping him/herself to breakfast.

I believe you got lucky!
FWIW, hot peppers are 100% safe for parrots. Most love them, they are like just tangy to them, they have so few taste buds compared to ours. I'd keep a close watch on general behavior too. Close cuz parrots only show symptoms until its pretty bad already.

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