New bird biting all the time


New member
Aug 24, 2014
Sun Conure - Manny
Hi guys manny is around 15 weeks old now and spends a lot of time with me however he bites a lot now mostly when I am not even touching him, he will just be sitting on my shoulder and bite my neck, ear or arm.
He will even come and roll over so I can pat him and he ruffles his feathers and closes his eyes as if he loves it and then he will bite lol, he always wants to be around me but can't seem to stop nipping will he grow out of this? And what should I do to try and stop it? Also the first few days he was an angel and never bit me...
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Sounds like you've not set any limits...what's acceptable & what's not, for your feathered friend.....just like children, birds don't come already trained.....he's probably going through his testing phase, testing you to see what he can get away with.....

You might want to watch the several Youtube videos about teaching/training a conure not to bite...there are also videos about stopping sun conures from biting.....

Since there is no one-size-fits-all teaching method, you might want to watch several or more, to give you ideas that would work with your feathered friend.....

Good luck.....
While he's in the biting stage you should keep him off your shoulder area. From what I experienced is that they always go for a beauty mark or other "abnormal" dark areas and try to test them out. And the area around there is pretty sensitive and it could cause the reaction he loves.

Does he have his pin feathers? He could be biting while you pet him because his growing feathers are turned the wrong way and he's showing his detest.

As what Weco said, bookmark as many training videos as you can and try all of the methods. He'll guarantee to like one more than the other so it's best to try all the options (but take your time with each one, he won't accept and go with one right away).

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