New Baby GCC


New member
Sep 2, 2015
sun conures , green cheek conures, tiels, dusty conure, parrotletts, and Quakers
Hello all. thank you for reading this and i hope someone can or has an idea of the situation.... Here it goes... I have a breeding pair of GCC who are excellent parents and have had clutches prior to this one as i will post a pick and compare the difference between the two. I think part of the problem is we had a mishap a couple weeks ago where mom chewed a hole through the bottom of the nest box in which 3 babies and 2 eggs fell out.. for some reason at 3 am i was up and something told me to check on the crew... so glad i did, that was when i found all 3 of the chicks out on the concrete floor... alive but barely... i warmed them up in my hands and breathed on them to warm them up and once the bottom of the nest box was repaired i placed them back in the box. Mom took over and warmed them back up and of course fed them and has been continuing to feed them... we only lost one chick to this mishap... and while i am heartbroken that we did loose it we still have 3 ... another of the eggs hatched out a few days later... they are on the same diet as last years brood fruits veggies and egg. among other supplements they get and all of them are happy, thriving crew. This clutch tho seems a bit delayed or loads smaller than last years. These guys are half the size of last years clutch... and will be 3 weeks old by Wednesday... Did I do something wrong?? Should i pull the oldest 2 out and hand feed them now instead of waiting till Wednesday.... the third chick is sooo small by comparison of the oldest 2. I know it's due to hatching so late as she laid 6 eggs all were fertile. I wonder if it will even make it..... my thoughts are to pull oldest 2 and let mom and dad care for the little one for another 2 weeks and then pull it. It's way to small for me to hand feed now but in another two weeks it should catch up and maybe by being alone and cared for there is no competition by the older 2... Any helpful advise would be soo appreciated. Also how would i post a pic or two?
This is terrible. I am sorry i cant be more helpful, but do you have an update?

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