New baby caique


Active member
Feb 13, 2024
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Cockatiels, Mexican Conure
I got a new baby caique after a long time. We visited them growing up in the aviary since he was super little. He's still pretty baby but he's getting the hang of stuff like hanging upside down and rolling around. Eating drinking ect. Vet says he's healthy thank goodness, and my conure Budi seems to be good pals with him. The cockatiels are curious and cautious.

Does anyone have any specific advice for new Caique ownership? It is going well so far but I thought I'd ask the forum Incase I'm missing anything.

Say hello Cheddar!


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He doesn't quite know how to tuck his head yet


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Hey can anyone confirm or deny this for me

Budi conure flew on my shoulder when I was laying in the couch and beak grinder and fell asleep a foot away from baby cheddar, who fell asleep right after. Budi thirty minutes later preened himself as did cheddar

I assume they are showing they are friends with each other or at least don't mind the other. Right?
This hooligan has gotten a long very well

He tries to play with Budi by presenting his foot . Budi doesn't comprehend but Budi HATES it when he's caged up (during dinner cause this cheddar boi darts for the food)

He loves crawling in my shirts

He's a playful fella rolls around and hops everywhere I'm obsessed with caiques lil stubby tails
Ahww! What a cutie!! Who is more playful, Budi or Cheddar? Caiques can be temperemantal as adults, if you treat your caique with respect(don't push him if he says no, make it fun to make the right choice etc) you will have a bigger chance of a well behaved caique. A lot of caiques appearantly show aggression towards other species, something I would keep an eye on just in case. I have also seen people put caiques in the same cage/aviary as cockatiels and budgies, so evidently they don't all turn out agressive to other species, but still.
Please keep updating as he grows up, I love caiques!
Ahww! What a cutie!! Who is more playful, Budi or Cheddar? Caiques can be temperemantal as adults, if you treat your caique with respect(don't push him if he says no, make it fun to make the right choice etc) you will have a bigger chance of a well behaved caique. A lot of caiques appearantly show aggression towards other species, something I would keep an eye on just in case. I have also seen people put caiques in the same cage/aviary as cockatiels and budgies, so evidently they don't all turn out agressive to other species, but still.
Please keep updating as he grows up, I love caiques!
He is SO playful and sweet!!

He plays on his back and I'll give him his little toys he will play upside down

He runs around on my and tucks under my chin . Or if my hair is damp from a shower he will style it with his body surfing

Budi is playful but not in any conventional way. He will ask us to tap and he will tap with us if he likes to dance with socks. Otherwise he plays on his back with a sock. Cheddar tries to play with him but Budi is always confused about it. They are good pals tho if cheddar is in his cage Budi will beg us for his freedom

Cheddar will also steal my plasticware !!!

He is so docile and chatty
Also he is learning "go poopie" on command

He knows when I hold him over the companion pad under his cage he will do his bisnies

Then it's play time!
Also he is learning "go poopie" on command

He knows when I hold him over the companion pad under his cage he will do his bisnies

Then it's play time!
Piccolo is potty trained too. He goes, if needs too, when we use his code word. He has about a 90% success rate.
Cuteness overload!!

On pooping on command - I always worry that parrots trained like this tend to ONLY poop when giving permission, which can lead to all sorts of internal issues. Make sure he knows its OK to poop in his cage or on playstands. Keep the pics coming, we can all stand more cuteness in our lives.
Cuteness overload!!

On pooping on command - I always worry that parrots trained like this tend to ONLY poop when giving permission, which can lead to all sorts of internal issues. Make sure he knows its OK to poop in his cage or on playstands. Keep the pics coming, we can all stand more cuteness in our lives.
Oh trust me he is a poop machine , his que is the back shuffle! I mostly do the command in the morning when he releases half his body weight onto the companion pads, just to spare my couch
How is little Cheddar doing? Just love the pictures you post♥️
He is very good! He started hopping with his toys in his beak he has little ball toys he loves to run around with. Also still goes into my sweater to nap
Oh trust me he is a poop machine , his que is the back shuffle! I mostly do the command in the morning when he releases half his body weight onto the companion pads, just to spare my couch
Same with Piccolo. He will actually fly over to his stand to go now instead of going on us. He definitely goes when he needs to, but has realized we don't love being pooped on. Piccolo's que is the squat's our 1 second warning
Congratulations on your baby caique. He is adorable. Sometime when you get a chance, and if he does the caique hop you’ll have to post it.
Congratulations on your baby caique. He is adorable. Sometime when you get a chance, and if he does the caique hop you’ll have to post it.
I know !! I've been trying to but he's sneaky hahaha
He is being mennacing walking towards me armed with tiel feather
Secret weapon


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