Hi All,
Please check out: Lawyer to Zookeeper; plus Notes on Pink Pigeon Conservation
First, I should explain the odd title. I grew up near the Bronx Zoo and dreamed of a career there since early childhood. Early on, however, responsibilities made it impossible for me to consider zoo work, a notoriously low-paying field. By the early 1980’s, however, things changed and I was volunteering at the Bronx Zoo and doing everything else I could think of to break into the field. But I was a lawyer at the time, and, despite years of experience with well-known animal importers and bird breeders, the zoo’s management did not believe I seriously intended to abandon such a lucrative profession. Then the Pink Pigeons came to the rescue…Read article here:
How Pink Pigeons Saved me from Life as a Lawyer | That Bird Blog
Comments and questions appreciated,
Thanks, Frank
Frank Indiviglio | Facebook
Bio: That Pet Place welcomes Zoologist/Herpetologist Frank Indiviglio to That Reptile Blog | That Reptile Blog
Please check out: Lawyer to Zookeeper; plus Notes on Pink Pigeon Conservation
First, I should explain the odd title. I grew up near the Bronx Zoo and dreamed of a career there since early childhood. Early on, however, responsibilities made it impossible for me to consider zoo work, a notoriously low-paying field. By the early 1980’s, however, things changed and I was volunteering at the Bronx Zoo and doing everything else I could think of to break into the field. But I was a lawyer at the time, and, despite years of experience with well-known animal importers and bird breeders, the zoo’s management did not believe I seriously intended to abandon such a lucrative profession. Then the Pink Pigeons came to the rescue…Read article here:
How Pink Pigeons Saved me from Life as a Lawyer | That Bird Blog
Comments and questions appreciated,
Thanks, Frank
Frank Indiviglio | Facebook
Bio: That Pet Place welcomes Zoologist/Herpetologist Frank Indiviglio to That Reptile Blog | That Reptile Blog