New Admins and Mods

This is under the "suggestions" section - it seems an appropriate place.

I'm happy to receive PMs with any questions or concerns about the forum - and I think problems are best dealt with that way: As they say praise in public, punish in private.

But this thread seemed all about praise to me. Antoinette and SB are awesome moderators and wonderful contributors to this forum and I think public acknowledgment of that is a good thing - so suggesting they get bumped up to Admin, particularly as my work has been limiting my time on here recently, is a great idea.

Similarly with Bobby - he has been a wonderful contributor to the forum and I think he'd make a great moderator.

I feel like I missed something though ... I did not see anyone suggesting that there was a problem with current mods admins (well, not in this thread).

Of course some people not mentioned may feel left out, but then we could never say anything nice about ANYONE unless we included the entire member list as well!

Perhaps everyone's a bit edgy recently.... I wish I had a solution ... a solution of fermented barley ... yes, that'll do nicely. :o)
I am terribly sorry about all of this misunderstanding. By saying that 'others who were not mentioned might feel bad' was unnecessary. Really, you just can't please everyone. It isn't really your fault if you offended anyone, because I can see how it was just intended to compliment our moderators. If only I could erase everything I said before, and congratulate all of you who were mentioned. You deserve it!

I tend to speak before I think, I suppose Ant's "Bird brain" must be contagious? ;)

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