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Haha men! And yeah in photos the first green bird does look like smaller eyes, but she is bit fluffed up?
I'm not sure, I'll get more pictures in the coming days, I only took a few tonight, didn't want to overwhelm the little guys on their first night. Sometimes I feel like the parrot paparazzi lol. And my camera decided it was going to start acting up last week so I've been talking all of my pictures with a droid :rolleyes: At least everything decides to break and malfunction at tax time, it could be worse lol.
I take all my pictures with my Droid phone too, they come out pretty good....
I take all my pictures with my Droid phone too, they come out pretty good....

That's the sad part, as long as I have the right settings, this phone takes better pictures than my 12.1 megapixel camera(it's a vivitar lol). It's actually not even my phone, I have a crappy old school flip phone but we are getting androids soon. My room mate is an IT guy and we are both a bit of technology nerds. Knowing I'm getting a new phone, he gave me this one to play with and wants me to root it, he likes to give me little nerdy tests like that. So the phone isn't even usable as a phone, just via wifi, I've been using it as my only camera for about a week and have officially become addicted to android bingo...gotta love technology ;)
I LOVE my Droid phone!!!! It's one of the best phones I've owned in years. I don't like iphone that much....I played with all 4 of the iphones cause someone around always have one of them. When they encounter problem, they come to me to I don't even own one....
They really are cute! I would love to just cup one in my hand and kiss it!
I loved my droid, I just wish the speaker didn't stink. I couldn't use it as a phone, so I went back to the iphone. I miss the pretty screen.
It is funny people r either droid people or an iphone person. U like 1 and hate the other! My vote is for the iphone all the way!!!! I have the 4S and love it! My best firend has a droid and she wishes she had an iphone like the rest of us now!
Hubby has officially decided on names for the parrotlets(with a little encouragement from me ;) ) and we have decided on Blueberry and SweetPea(thank you amy :) ) and Spryte and GreenBean(Beanie for short). :) Blueberry and SweetPea seem to have already investigated their nestbox because I've found some of the bedding from inside it kicked out, spryte and beanie seem to be taking their time getting to know each other still :) We've had them almost a week and they are settling in pretty nicely. They get along very well and eat like little piggies, they have even been eating their fruit and veggies. :D

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