new addition

a lot better. he's moving around more and started perching on the wooden and booda
perches that i placed in his weaning cage. still sleeping most of the time but i'm not gonna
lose hope.
just a little update; the baby's been a loooot more active today. been perching on his
booda and wooden perches just fine, chewing on them, and tackling the pellets and millets
i left him in his weaning cage. also heard him tweeting a bit, but they are very low as
usual. been preening a lot too and i can already see more feathers covering up his skin.

stiiiiiiill need to name him though. ;(
Glad to hear hes doing better.

How about fletcher or henri? He looks like a Stewie to me. Im sure a name will come to you soon
Sunny , sunshine , sunbeam,Tang ?
no sunny names! >.<
Cloudy ? kismet , ringo , beanie, sprite...

Cloud could work. ;D
okay that's one name on the list. gotta keep thinking of more then sticking to one!
I like fletcher for him/her! by lookin at the pics looks like it would be perfect!:)
Such a cutie! I had a horse that color and called her "Splash". She had a big splash of white on her forehead, it just seemed to fit. Sorry to know he wasn't doing well but glad he's doing better, best of luck little one!
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the baby seems to be doing much better and seems to be getting used to being around
me. he spent most of the time today on my lap getting scritches and seemed to be
enjoying himself. and since i can't come up with any other names, i decided i'd go with
Cloud since everyone seems to like it!
Oh My Gosh!! That is about the cutest Little thing I've ever seen!!! He is so adorable!!!! Congrats!! I am sure you will think of an awesome name. Buttercup is cute. Seems to fit him. Or even butterscotch. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us!!! Just noticed your post that you named him Cloud. Love it!!! Very cute!!
indeed, cloud seems to work well with him lol.

aah, i love how he's already chowing down on pellets just fine. just needs to get the hang
of millets and seeds, lol. and of course, fruits and veggies! D; i hope he takes to them
just fine. ;(
I'm happy Cloud is doing good Joeyx .
Lots of luck with your new little boy :)
thank yooou. <3 and please, "joey" is just fine. ^^

anyway, i've scouted everywhere i can here for a good cage for cloud but can't find
anything decent at all. guess i'm gonna have to order something online and deal with our
ridiculous aramex and customs charges for the dimensions and weight. ;[

i like this cage, and wanted feedback on it. please note that i can't really go bigger than
that, and i like what's included with it:

[ame=""] Prevue Hendryx 91351 Square Roof Bird Cage Kit, Black: Pet Supplies[/ame]

sucks i can't see the feeder cups though, lol?

also, i want to order a new snuggle hut for Cloud but i'm afraid he'd just end up chewing
on the hanging threads like how it's been done with a late lovebird of mine. ;(

[ame=] Snuggle Hut Small: Pet Supplies[/ame]
With the customs charges and all that you might not want to buy something heavier. However, my conure's cage is a similar design and there are things I really hate about it. You have to pop off that plastic bottom to take out the grate. It doesn't pop off easily, although maybe that one will. Also the food doors slide up and down and every day there is poop stuck on them that is hard to get to. It takes me much, much longer to clean hers everyday than my wrought iron powder coated cages.
aww man, you're scaring me roxy lol. i really like the cage. first of all its in black, my
fave, and second.. i think it would look well with Cloud's plumage. lol sorry, artist habit.

could use more feedback though if anyone actually has the same cage. ;(
Maybe Cloud won't poop all over creation though like Rowdy does. If she didn't, it wouldn't be so bad. But, I can clean Merlin's or Pete's cages in 5-10 minutes if I'm not going so far as to completely sanitize them. Rowdy's can take half an hour or more just for general daily cleaning. It was definitely designed by a non bird owner! There are just all these places poop gets stuck that are really hard to get to, and of course she manages to poop in pretty much all those places every day!
HQ is a good company so the cage will probably hold up for a long time. I've had Rowdy's for 12 years and it still looks almost new. So there is that. And it's inexpensive and light enough to pick up and move. It's just labor intensive on cleaning.
so i haven't been using the internet much these days coz i've been busy with the birds
and other stuff here and there, but a little update;

cloud looks much healthier and happier now, and is super clingy haha! also, didn't take
much work for him to start flying. he's already doing it like a pro, and of course keeps
flying up and standing on my head. he's eating pellets just fine now but still trying to get
the hang of seeds and wet/soft food. hope he also starts chewing on his cuttlebone soon,
ugh. haven't ordered him a new cage yet, but today i'm going to get him a larger cage
than the one he's in right now so he could use it temporarily until i sort this out.

wish i could post some photos but haven't uploaded anything onto my computer yet.
might do that later! all his feathers are almost in. all thats left is just a little bit under
his wings!

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