Chew's a carnivore!!!!!!!!


New member
Aug 24, 2007
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Washington state
1cockatoo Chewy 2 cockatiels Male=eli female-=LittleFoot
I had Chicken tonight. And I slipped a piece of it into his food dish. And he's been over there eatting it all gone!!!!! Whooo Whooooooo Finally getting this turky to try other things. He has been really hard to get to eat new things since he was sick.
Chicken, boiled and plain, should be added weekly to your fid's diet ... really helps with protein levels IF Chewy isn't on a solid pellet diet ...

Believe it or not, this is normal!
Chicken, boiled and plain, should be added weekly to your fid's diet ... really helps with protein levels IF Chewy isn't on a solid pellet diet ...

Believe it or not, this is normal!

He is mostly on a solid pellet diet. He loves his pellets now. Before when hew sa sick he would only eat the peanuts. So I have done away with the tropi mix thatI had him on.
But I give him tidbits of human food, though he doesn't normall like they them.....but he's getting better. he ate spaghetti one night. Just the noodles because the sauce had onions in it
Whole Wheat pasta is a great food for our birdies ... maybe even with a little sauce and a little parmesans cheese (harder cheeses have lower amounts of lactose, hence not as bad for our fids) ... Pizza crust is also a great treat ... Hamlet and Mac love it ... and will do just about anything for it ..
Oooo, congrats! That is great news!

Moj loves speghetti! He eats around the meat. Mine is spicy and has COOKED onions in it and he likes those. 'Sketti all over his beak--happy Moj! :D
Raw Onions = "no good"

Cook Onions = "ok"

hmmmm I thought that onions were a big no no even cooked for Birds along with dogs....
My two won't ever eat dogs, but they love the cooked onions :D
I had Chicken tonight. And I slipped a piece of it into his food dish. And he's been over there eatting it all gone!!!!! Whooo Whooooooo Finally getting this turky to try other things. He has been really hard to get to eat new things since he was sick.

I always give Keupi a sampling of dinner (unless it's fish - the mercury levels can kill a fid even though it's fine for humans). Actually, Keupi's on a diet that has mostly human food (60/40). Caveat though, he also has a chronic condition and I myself am wary about pet foods.

There's really so few things that you can't give your fid. Chocolate, alcohol, apple pits, cherry pits, celery, to name a few. Limit the dairy (they're lactose-intolerant). But otherwise - there's very little they can't have. Of course, do so in moderation and watch out for family help. Keupi, as do I, love our occasional McD's french fry, as does my father (Grandpa). My Mom and I had to but the proverbial foot down when Mom discovered that Grandpa and Keupi were enjoying a 'snack' each day while I was away and she was at work (Dad was retired at the time). Seems, after my dad was done with the house and yard work he would go up to McD's for a cup of coffee and french fries and bring back a few fries for Keupi... daily!!

Though - they do have a bond!!
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My two won't ever eat dogs, but they love the cooked onions

Peta I think you are hiding something!:D Why don't you tell the truth that Kito would follow poor Jess around and bite her paws and tail?Go on spit it out, don't worry we won't call him a vulture!:D

p.s. Jess: (dog for those who don't know, by the way how is she doing,update us please..):D
Okay yeah Kito is still following the poor dogs around, but seems to know that Jess can't get out of his way so he still goes after her.

She is doing as well as can be expected, slowing down each day now. Have to phone the vets on Monday to get her next blood work done, We have managed to cut down the Metacam, but that means that now she's on another lot of pain meds. Poor old gal is taking it all in her stride and is still so good natured. Although I really think she wishes she could run so she could get that Vulture that we've insisted on bringing into the house. :D Pheob I very often call him a vulture in fact I'm sure he is, he's only a grey in disguise. :D I'll some more pics of Jess uploaded in the next day or two. I promise.
Poor old puppy!
And she has to go through all this pinching with the needles...:(

:DPheob I very often call him a vulture in fact I'm sure he is, he's only a grey in disguise.

I'll some more pics of Jess uploaded in the next day or two. I promise.
We'll be all waiting for them....:DGive her lots of hugs and pettings from me, Phoeb, Perla and Sissy...:)
Don't feel bad.. My chickens used to LOVE chicken flavored cat food. I felt horrible when I realized which flavor I'd given them.. and switched to turkey :D
(I fed them moistened dry cat food anytime I had a sick or sad looking chicken.. they all learned how to look 'sick' I swear)

Whats the deal with Onions? I had never heard they were harmful before coming here, even from the vet. Whats wrong with em? Gonna go google just wanted your opinions.
Okay yeah Kito is still following the poor dogs around, but seems to know that Jess can't get out of his way so he still goes after her.

She is doing as well as can be expected, slowing down each day now. Have to phone the vets on Monday to get her next blood work done, We have managed to cut down the Metacam, but that means that now she's on another lot of pain meds. Poor old gal is taking it all in her stride and is still so good natured. Although I really think she wishes she could run so she could get that Vulture that we've insisted on bringing into the house. :D Pheob I very often call him a vulture in fact I'm sure he is, he's only a grey in disguise. :D I'll some more pics of Jess uploaded in the next day or two. I promise.

Sorry to hear about Jess. Just know that as long as you do all that you can to keep her comfortable, Jess knows that she is loved and is basking in it.

As for your 'vulture'... surprisingly I don't see it that way based on the descriptions I've read. I don't think Kito see's Jess as 'prey.' I think Kito's reacting and trying to help/be close. I may be confusing your flock and fur though...

Why not ask Kito to help you/help Jess? Give him a role. As your preparing Jess's medications ask Kito to 'supervise?' He seems to want to be involved more and may actually be, in his own warped way, trying to protect/help. Sometimes, with animals, we forget or ignore their own parental or natural instincts. Even in terms of 'flock' instinct, the natural course of prey flocks is to ignore the ill and leave them behind. I don't see that with Kito. I think Kito likes Jess and want's her to 'rally' and stay with the flock.

Kito's not afraid of her, I think Kito's worried about her. Again, I may be confusing the flock members, but the one that's the most ornery may actually be the most sensitive. The vulture may not be 'attacking' but instead protecting via a perception.

ETA: Flyte - with onions - from my understanding the issue is the 'strings.' Once cooked, the strings are a non-issue and won't cause a problem. However, with celery - the strings are always a problem. They can tie up the digestive organs instead of passing through. IOW, celery is an issue because of the strings but other veggies, like onions - if cooked don't present a problem.
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Oh I see.. people had been presenting it as if it onions were poisonous.. didn't think they were just worried about something like that. Had ME worried!! Thanks for the info:)
I'm pretty sure the onion issue is more complicated than that. I've read it can cause kidney and blood problems...might want to research more.
I have been presented too but just read a poison list and it's not on there , even the raw ones..........maybe it's ok. BUt I'm still goign to do some investigating.
I'm pretty sure the onion issue is more complicated than that. I've read it can cause kidney and blood problems...might want to research more.

You may be correct.. I don't know. I don't delve too much with onions as I have a super-sensitive nose and can't handle the raw variety in my house (Though onion spices and soups I use for flavoring). At the same time, my parents don't make a meal that doesn't have an onion in it. I can only speak from hearsay, but via my vet - it's fine if it's cooked well done.

(As an aside, from the breath perspective it's not one I'd encourage either. Little beaks can pack a rampant punch.)

I first heard about celery a few years ago. Luckily, it's another veggie I tend to ignore except for holidays when loads need to be used for stuffing and filling. But the strings in any fashion can tie up the GI system.

At the same time, while I don't think an all onion diet is a good thing, I also know that an over-abundance of anything is a bad thing. Just like with potatoes or very starchy vegetables - raw is not good but cooked is fine.

Also, many of the good/bad lists need to be examined and fid-related. Peppers are another much loved treat on the fid-veggie list but green peppers give Keupi gas. Red, orange, yellow, hot, and chili are fine for him but green ones are not. He also hates broccoli in raw veggie form but loves it in cooked form. Mushrooms in his eyes are just plain wrong. He also, at the same time, loves radishes.

There are reasons why certain foods, like chocolate are a no-no. I won't deny I'm not a big believer in pelleted diets but that's moreso to fid experience not the benefits of them. But the internet can be scary in regards to yes and no, as can be this forum. I'm seeing my vet again with Keupi on Monday and I'll ask him again about onions (he's the one who said cook em but not raw - works for mine). I'll let you know what he says, but irregardless, you need to feed what you're comfortable in doing so.
I know there are reasons why certain foods like chocolate are bad.. I was just a little irritated having people tell me its poisonous when its more of a personal decision.
Believe me, I understand about the digestive system and the risks of obstructions due to foods. My life, unfortunately, pretty much revolves around that kind of thing, since I now have more of a birdy digestive system.. no large intestine and no gall bladder. lol. All I need now is a crop!
I agree, the list should be gone over and maybe there could be two separate lists.. items that are actually poisonous and items that pose a risk for other reasons. Then we can have the third list.. items you can use to bribe/hide stuff that your bird should eat but refuses.
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