New member
I know there are reasons why certain foods like chocolate are bad.. I was just a little irritated having people tell me its poisonous when its more of a personal decision.
Believe me, I understand about the digestive system and the risks of obstructions due to foods. My life, unfortunately, pretty much revolves around that kind of thing, since I now have more of a birdy digestive system.. no large intestine and no gall bladder. lol. All I need now is a crop!
I agree, the list should be gone over and maybe there could be two separate lists.. items that are actually poisonous and items that pose a risk for other reasons. Then we can have the third list.. items you can use to bribe/hide stuff that your bird should eat but refuses.
Flyte - I'm sorry. I didn't know and perhaps should have read more threads prior to posting. Not knowing is no excuse and I apologize if I offended. I didn't know your situation and you are in my thoughts.
The list of don'ts regarding foods has six biggies:
Apple pits
Cherry pits
Regarding apple and cherry pits - it also goes for the pulp around the seed. The safe thing is to cut the fruit so that there's a 1/4 inch left on the core. Applesauce is fine.
Once you avoid those, there's the plants. I don't do plants. I've managed to kill plastic plants (a plastic plant on a heater in full sunlight - they melt).
As for some veggies, the highly starched ones, like potatoes or yams, need to be cooked. It won't kill a fid to taste a raw one, but your fid is better served by eating a cooked one. Beets also fall into this category.
Many discrepancies with veggies often fall with the ones that are 'root' veggies. This may cause the 'onion' conundrum. Better cooked for fids. As described, fids are feasting on a glorious 'bloomin onion.' An onion itself isn't necessarily poisonous. If not presented correctly, it can be harmful (strings tying up the the digestive system), but even that aside if a fid ingests a piece of a raw, diced onion - chances are it's not going to be happy for a few days but ultimately it (and all) will live. The fact that your fid ingested a piece of a raw, diced onion should register into one's brain if your fid is dropping weight or is in GI pain/distress.
Overall, there's no-nos. I don't pay too much to the plant one (I'm forbidden from owning a plant since I managed to kill/melt a plastic one). But regarding food - my vet is a vet and also a nutritionist. He's very hands-on and has no issue with diagnosing/dealing with the problem at hand but also spending time searching for the true cause. Even during the 5 weeks it took to diagnose Keupi, he treated the viral issue, the yeast infection, as well as the eating (wasn't eating) as acute symptoms to a bigger issue. (As an aside, there was a point where I thought either he and I were sane or the two of us should be committed.) He's also a big proponent of pelleted diets (Harrisons)but at the same time doesn't want my fid on one. I can never thank that man enough for the care he gave to me and my fid over this course of time.
As for the idea that you're poisoning your fids by feeding them something. Chances are, you're not. Onions are not toxic, per se, but best probably in moderation (as is everything) and served best cooked. Don't feel attacked. I've been there and felt that regarding exposing him to a zinc-filled cage and those damned towel rolls. I'll ask my vet again on Monday about the onions but I doubt there's any difference from the last time.