Nervous- Potential Congo Grey Adoption


Well-known member
May 16, 2022
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Charlie (M) - 24 yrs - Peach Front Conure
Redshift (M)-23yrs - normal Cockatiel
Vortex (F) - Hatched March 15 2024
So, I found a guy looking to rehome his 9-year-old congo grey. The bird's on its third owner, comes with a cage, and doesn't fly. I'm hesitant about adopting because I have so many animals already, but my oldest boys are so old. If they last a year, I'll be shocked, and I'd be looking for a new bird anyway.

Wish me luck, folks. :) I just sent the guy an email to see if he even has the bird anymore. And if he does, I might not pass the 'good parrot home' questions, LOL.
So, I found a guy looking to rehome his 9-year-old congo grey. The bird's on its third owner, comes with a cage, and doesn't fly. I'm hesitant about adopting because I have so many animals already, but my oldest boys are so old. If they last a year, I'll be shocked, and I'd be looking for a new bird anyway.

Wish me luck, folks. :) I just sent the guy an email to see if he even has the bird anymore. And if he does, I might not pass the 'good parrot home' questions, LOL.
Best of luck, @Vampiric_Conure, I think this little one would have an awesome life with you!!
Best of luck, @Vampiric_Conure, I think this little one would have an awesome life with you!!
Thanks! I've never had a grey before, but I've had LOTS of bird experience, which this person is wanting. Part of my anxiety is because I've heard that Greys are neurotic, LOL. But They have many qualities I think I can handle. And I've wanted a grey for YEARS. Like, pushing 24 yrs, LOL!
I feel that a lot of birds are neurotic, its in their nature as intelligent PREY animals. Two words that don't necessarily go well together in captivity. In the wild, those traits keep them 1 step ahead of predators, in captivity, the lack of predators gives them more time to fixate on imagined dangers and trifles. But keeping that in mind, that can be managed as much as possible. Look at Alex, the most famous Grey ever, and he was a plucker. With your background, I would say yes, go for it.
Thanks! I've never had a grey before, but I've had LOTS of bird experience, which this person is wanting. Part of my anxiety is because I've heard that Greys are neurotic, LOL. But They have many qualities I think I can handle. And I've wanted a grey for YEARS. Like, pushing 24 yrs, LOL!
Good luck. I've been owned by 2 greys over past 4 decades. I hesitate to use the word neurotic. My vet and his head tech have no such difficultly. They say openly grey is an avian term for a form of neurosis. I prefer to assign to define greys as hypercentered, manipulative and perpetual 18 month olds. I decided that after watching 16-24 month old humans at grocery, on busses, church, gathering etc. Greys don't seem to have a desire to get past that. But they take great joy in learning. That's where the fun comes in. Enjoy and love your new friend.
I've hit a snag after talking to the grey's owner. They won't get back to me! I'm gonna wait until Sunday before I phone them. I contacted them via text (in which they said he was still available and that they'd not checked Kijiji yet for messages) but anything substantial is meh.

**Screams with frustration** LOL!! Wish me luck, folks. if you pray, please do so for me :) I'd just like to know Ya or Nay if I can adopt him!
I've hit a snag after talking to the grey's owner. They won't get back to me! I'm gonna wait until Sunday before I phone them. I contacted them via text (in which they said he was still available and that they'd not checked Kijiji yet for messages) but anything substantial is meh.

**Screams with frustration** LOL!! Wish me luck, folks. if you pray, please do so for me :) I'd just like to know Ya or Nay if I can adopt him!
Wishing for the best for your adoption hopes, @Vampiric_Conure!! 🙏 🙏 🙏
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

I finally got ahold of the guy about the bird! I called him, LOL! The only serious concern is that the CAG prefers men, but I'm gonna head over to meet him on Monday. It's really weird.. the bird's name is Erik (If I heard right. I suck at hearing some things because of cognitive issues), which is one of my FB names. You know.. Vamp Erik Conure. Anyways, he also lives right down the street from me. FREAKY! I hope he allows me to pay for him in installments. :) Because I currently don't have 3 thousand sitting around for a new bird.
Good luck. That brings back memories. I purchased my first grey from a breeder on payment plan. The condition was that I had to go in 3-4 times a week w 1 day a weekend. I had to clean his cage and handle him for minimum of 60 minutes. Maybe you could do something similar. Good luck!
Well, the guy with the African Grey has given me the run-around. He won't answer his emails, his texts OR his phone calls and he jacked the price of his bird on the ad. Soooo.. I've decided to go with a Breeder who comes well suggested. PLUS she breeds the Timneh, which I've wanted the whole time. PLUS it's cheaper than what the guy wants for his non flying, plucked 10 year old bird.

Ugh. As much as I wanted the Congo, sometimes you have to pick your fights.
Another fella's contacted me about a Congo African Grey. He's in the Province, or so he claims. Trying to confirm that he's not a scammer. The price is good, the bird looks good and he's somewhat local. Fingers crossed all works out well!
Well, the guy with the African Grey has given me the run-around. He won't answer his emails, his texts OR his phone calls and he jacked the price of his bird on the ad. Soooo.. I've decided to go with a Breeder who comes well suggested. PLUS she breeds the Timneh, which I've wanted the whole time. PLUS it's cheaper than what the guy wants for his non flying, plucked 10 year old bird.

Ugh. As much as I wanted the Congo, sometimes you have to pick your fights.
Adopt! There are CAGs/TAGs up for adoption and need a good home. Check local shelters for adoptees.
Adopt! There are CAGs/TAGs up for adoption and need a good home. Check local shelters for adoptees.
Yep! I have a TAG in Quebec I'm interested in. They're even willing to ship!!
I wish you eventually getting your wish.
Yep! I have a TAG in Quebec I'm interested in. They're even willing to ship!!
Stay local. I would personally not accept a shipped bird from someone unknown. Go there first and meet the bird. Maybe he/she doesn't like you/vice versa. You could also wait until a local avian shelter has one available and meet in person.

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