Need your opinions about potential rescue grey

I have to say that I am a little sad to read that the average lifespan of a CAG in captivity is apx 44 years with many living to 30-35 on average. With this guy being 25 already I am realizing that we wouldn’t have as many years together as I originally thought. Not really a game changer, but just surprising information that leaves me feeling a bit disappointed.

Wow, i hadnt realised that either, i thought 80 is a good age.

I did as well. Then I did some digging because I realize I couldn’t find much from people that actually had those really old birds (60-80yo). Diet and lack of proper exercise have basically caused greys that have heart and fat issues like fatty liver and fatty blood. I guess it makes sense. We can’t let our birds fly for tens of miles every day. But it’s kinda sad. I guess I have looked at it as a good thing in the case of my potential rescue. If wetake him/her in I won’t have to decide which of my “lucky” kids gets to care for it after we’re gone. Hoping my husband and/or I live long enough to see this guys through the rest of his years.

Meeting him tomorrow!!! Getting so excited but starting to feel really nervous about if I know all the right things to do when he initially gets home. Never had a rescue bird before and I know they don’t have the same kind of homecoming as bringing home a baby bird. I know we take it at the birds pace but I guess I’m questioning my ability to read a bird I don’t know. Yikes!!!!
Bring Baby Home!
A story of Human's driving themself crazy second guessing everything... :D

Remember that the Parrot is living in the here and now!
And, the Grey is eyeing you and getting a realtime reading of you!

Deep, slow long breathing, relax!
Just be yourself!

All the other rubbish is just that rubbish...
Human's overthinking everything and commonly get loss and forget why they are really there...

After all, you are being interview by a Grey that really needs you to simply have yourself comfortable with yourself. Right!
Great advice SailBoat!!!! Thank you for the reminder. You are totally right. I am the one being interviewed.
Well we’re doing it!!!! We’re bring baby home! He is truly a sweet gentle bird. Stepped up without hesitation to both my husband and me. He was shaking for about the first 15 minutes of the visit but then calmed down and was eventually preening himself while on our hands. He was very comfortable with being vocal from the start and showed off a big selection of words and sounds. He was very gentle. He’s pretty rough around the edges externally. A little plucking but a lot of over preening/chewing on his feathers. He was dusty and dull. He is in desperate need of a few spray baths and some vitamin D. I also think a better diet than the brand of pellets he is currently on (Pretty Bird). She feeds fresh but I didn’t get the impression it was daily. Easily fixable.

The owner is understandably having a hard time saying goodbye. I think most likely she is going to bring him to us next Friday or Saturday. She said she thinks seeing where he will be living will be good for her. I told her I would be happy to send her regular updates and photos and if she ever wanted to come visit that she would be welcome to. She only lives 15 minutes from me. We are in the same town.

So we are really excited. I can already identify things we can slowly adjust to make his life so much healthier and richer and we can’t wait to add him to our family.
Aavogaro I’m so happy for you and your new family member! I know you will provide a wonderful loving home for him and I’m looking forward to welcoming him to your home almost as much as you are! I have unfortunately been in a similar position to his previous owner in the not-so-distant past and only too well understand what a difficult thing it is to have to rehome (fellow PF member “Noahs_Birds” has my quaker ScoMo, it’s a long story!) but she must be relieved and happy that he is going to such a great home, as indeed I was.

I’m looking forward so very much to him coming home to you and of course lots of pics! Happy days indeed :)
Aavogaro I’m so happy for you and your new family member! I know you will provide a wonderful loving home for him and I’m looking forward to welcoming him to your home almost as much as you are! I have unfortunately been in a similar position to his previous owner in the not-so-distant past and only too well understand what a difficult thing it is to have to rehome (fellow PF member “Noahs_Birds” has my quaker ScoMo, it’s a long story!) but she must be relieved and happy that he is going to such a great home, as indeed I was.

I’m looking forward so very much to him coming home to you and of course lots of pics! Happy days indeed :)

Oh you are sooooo incredibly sweet. Thank you for your excitement and really kind words. I can’t wait to share him with all of you. Without each of your helpful and encouraging comments I don’t know if I would have taken the plunge because it felt so intimidating at first. My husband is keeping his cool about it all right now because he sees how hard this is for the current owner and he’s worried she will change her mind. I am sure she has thought about changing it a hundred times but she seems confident in her thought that this is what needs to be done. I am certainly hoping she doesn’t change her mind, and I want to respect the last week they have together. This is going to be hard on both of them. But we are here, excited and ready to welcome him to his new life with open arms.
Congratulations, you have all made a grand decision and I love how the focus is on this wonderful grey! I dearly hope the present owner enjoys the week and honors the commitment to relinquish. That you agree to update and visit as desired bodes well. Please keep us updated as the next chapter unfolds!!
With all the research and time you have spent on adopting this lucky Grey, I am sure he will become a new part of your family. Just keep the expectations low for awhile, and do not be forlorn if it seems that he takes 2 steps forward and 1 step back, because most parrots adapt to change on a different time scale than we humans. Not all, but most. Remember the unofficial mantra of the Parrot Forums:

It is never the fault of the Parrot
It is always the fault of the Human.

Keeping that in mind and putting yourself in the head of your parrot will allow you to better understand any issues that arise.

SOme things that you may have overlooked in your preparation for the homecoming:

1) Have you gathered together all the items for a first aid kit? For a good list of things you should have on hand, check the "I love AMazons" thread in the Amazon sub-forum, a lengthy and wonderfully usefull thread that applies to all parrots and not just Amazons.

2) If he has a mild plucking and over preening issue, have you gotten several types of preening toys, to be introduced gradually to him. Greys usually need to slowly accept anything new, so don't just plop them into his cage.

3) Discuss with ALL family members the way to interact with your new Grey. Everyone must be on board 100%, especially any kids. After all they are getting a new baby brother ( who will be like a baby for the next 30-40 years hoepfully).

We are all rooting for you and the new addition! Good luck!
Go #teamgrey so happy for this! Coming from a difficult-er than usual rescue, my Kevin is proof of what can happen with time. They’re all their own selves but all respond in their own way to a positive environment when given the chance.

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Congratulations :)

btw, that shaking feather thing, Enzo does that too sometimes, im not entirely sure what it means....

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